Service Organization Models Connecting Small Farmers with Modern Agriculture: Mechanism and Effect Analysis
摘要: 将粮食主产区中小农户和现代农业衔接的服务组织模式分为产业服务组织模式、合作服务组织模式和市场服务组织模式, 从理论上揭示了小农户和现代农业衔接的服务组织模式的内在机理, 并基于安徽和山东两省的调查数据从产出和效益双重维度对不同服务组织模式下小农户粮食生产效应进行评价。研究发现:三种服务组织模式在促进小农户和现代农业衔接方面均发挥了积极作用, 但其运行绩效存在显著差异。具体表现为:产业服务组织模式通过发挥龙头企业的市场势力和资本实力优势促进了农业产业链的扩展深化, 显著增加了小农户的粮食产出; 市场服务组织模式通过扩大服务市场的容量促进了农业分工和要素融合, 显著增加了小农户的粮食生产效益; 相对于产业服务组织模式和市场服务组织模式, 合作服务组织模式在促进小农户粮食产出和效益方面没有显著优势。Abstract: It is argued that the service organization models of the connection between small farmers and modern agriculture in the main grain producing areas can be classified into industrial service organization model, cooperative service organization model and market service organization model. This paper aims to theoretically analyze the internal mechanism of the service organization models, and evaluate the grain production effect of small farmers under different service organization models from the dual dimensions of output and benefit with the survey data from Anhui and Shandong provinces. It is found that three service organization models have played an active role in promoting the connection between the production of small farmers and the development of modern agriculture, but there are still significant differences in their operational performance. The specific performance is as follows: the industrial service organization model promotes the expansion and deepening of agricultural industrial chain by giving full play to the market power and capital strength advantages of leading enterprises, and can significantly increase the grain output of small farmers; the market service organization model can effectively increase the grain production profit of small farmers by expanding the service market capacity, promoting agricultural division of labor and integration of factors.However, compared with the above two models, the cooperative service organization model has no significant advantages in promoting the grain output and benefit of small farmers.
表 1 样本地域分布情况
省份 未参与小农户 参与小农户 产业服务组织模式 合作服务组织模式 市场服务组织模式 安徽 213 181 201 228 山东 127 40 75 87 总计 340 221 276 315 表 2 变量定义及其统计性描述
变量名称 变量定义 均值 标准差 grain_profit 粮食亩均利润(元/亩) 674.331 151.301 grain_yield 粮食单位面积产量(公斤/亩) 527.367 74.116 age 户主年龄(岁) 49.915 10.545 educa 小学及以下=1;初中=2;高中或中专=3;大专=4;本科及以上=5 1.856 0.838 cadre 是=1;否=0 0.274 0.446 worke 务工人数占家庭人口数比例(%) 0.345 0.171 ainco 农业收入占家庭收入比例(%) 0.326 0.187 dista 农户住所距最近的市场距离(公里) 7.113 4.974 perar 人均耕地面积(亩) 1.170 0.674 coope 所在村庄合作社数量(家) 1.442 1.411 enter 所在村庄企业数量(家) 1.282 1.545 注:数据由作者根据调查问卷整理所得。 表 3 基于Logit模型的决策方程估计结果
变量 产业服务组织模式方程 合作服务组织模式方程 市场服务组织模式方程 age -0.028** (0.014) -0.015 (0.011) 0.040*** (0.015) educa 0.519*** (0.198) 0.161 (0.103) 0.454***(0.156) cadre 1.248(0.998) 1.419***(0.458) -1.206*(0.678) worke 6.857***(2.458) 4.174***(1.346) 6.201***(2.040) ainco 2.702**(1.287) 1.678***(0.579) 4.872***(1.433) perar -1.093*(0.643) -2.021***(0.727) 0.215(0.141) dista -0.116***(0.041) -0.027(0.019) 0.012(0.008) coope 0.538***(0.158) 0.560***(0.152) 0.230**(0.105) enter 0.139*(0.083) 0.158**(0.069) 0.157**(0.065) Pseudo-R2 0.144 0.174 0.229 注:*、**、***分别表示10%、5%和1%水平上显著。 表 4 平均处理效应测算结果
匹配方法 变量 产业服务组织模式
(ATT)K近邻匹配 grain_profit 185.378***(62.207) 66.080** (25.630) 194.156* (111.584) grain_yield 126.699** (59.483) 40.867* (22.958) 100.547* (58.458) 卡尺匹配 grain_profit 173.791***(60.140) 68.497** (30.613) 204.703** (100.795) grain_yield 120.258** (56.459) 41.045** (17.540) 107.594* (63.703) 核匹配 grain_profit 176.166*** (59.974) 66.668*** (23.761) 201.374* (108.266) grain_yield 117.218** (52.564) 40.213* (21.504) 109.931* (58.474) 平均值 grain_profit 178.445 67.082 200.078 grain_yield 121.392 40.708 106.024 注:*、**、***分别表示10%、5%和1%水平上显著;平均处理效应的显著性通过自助法(Bootstrap)得到。 表 5 平衡性检验结果
匹配方法 产业服务组织模式方程 合作服务组织模式方程 市场服务组织模式方程 P-R2 LR 标准化偏差 P-R2 LR 标准化偏差 P-R2 LR 标准化偏差 匹配前 0.339 236.33 25.1 0.210 164.59 27.6 0.426 355.88 22.8 K近邻匹配 0.016 9.37 3.5 0.013 8.53 4.9 0.014 8.79 3.2 卡尺匹配 0.018 10.23 2.1 0.007 4.70 6.0 0.008 5.47 2.7 核匹配 0.013 7.48 3.4 0.008 5.09 5.4 0.010 6.37 3.9 -
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