Industrial Co-agglomeration and Environmental Pollution Control: Impetus or Resistance
摘要: 基于2003—2016年中国30个省份的面板数据, 采用双向固定效应、空间面板杜宾等计量方法, 并结合中介效应检验模型, 实证检验产业协同集聚对环境污染治理的影响。研究表明: 产业协同集聚与环境污染呈稳定的倒U型关系, 即短期内产业协同集聚表现为环境污染治理的阻力, 但长期看又会逐步转化为环境污染治理的助力, 且这种影响效应不存在地区差异; 产业协同集聚的空间溢出效应具有地区差异性, 其中东部地区的溢出效应不显著, 中西部地区的溢出效应则较为显著; 科技创新是产业协同集聚影响环境污染治理的一个有效中介变量。因此, 应大力推进产业协同集聚战略, 因地制宜制定产业协同集聚发展政策, 构建联防联控的协同治污举措, 推进环境污染的有效治理。Abstract: Based on the panel data of 30 provinces in China from 2003 to 2016, the application of the time-space fixed effect, spatial panel Dubin and other measurement models, combined with the mediation effect test model, this study empirically tested the impact of industrial co-agglomeration on environmental pollution control. The results show that there is a stable inverted U relationship between industrial co-agglomeration and environmental pollution, and there is no regional difference, which indicates in the short run, the co-agglomeration of industries represents the resistance of environmental pollution control, and in the long run, it will gradually be transformed into the assistance of environmental pollution control; there are regional differences in the spatial spillover effect of industrial co-agglomeration, of which the effect in the eastern region is not significant, and the spillover effect in the central and western regions is more significant; scientific and technological innovation can be a mediating variable of industrial co-agglomeration affecting environmental pollution. Therefore, it is necessary to vigorously promote the strategy of industrial co-agglomeration, formulate policies for industrial co-agglomeration development in line with local conditions, and establish joint prevention and control measures, so as to promote the effective management of environmental pollution.
表 1 各变量的描述性统计
变量 观测值 均值 标准差 最小值 最大值 lnp 420 -1.51 1.243 -7.302 0.178 lncoll 420 -0.245 0.222 -1.338 0 lnt 420 8.538 1.629 3.932 11.975 lnfdi 420 5.044 1.673 -0.007 9.417 lner 420 5.021 1.034 2.11 7.936 lnis 420 -0.953 0.247 9 -2.128 -0.634 lnpgdp 420 9.89 0.651 8.158 11.478 lnmar 420 -0.821 0.356 -1.72 -0.174 lnopen 420 -1.679 0.990 -3.437 0.543 表 2 生产性服务业与制造业协同集聚影响环境污染的基准回归结果①
变量 模型1
MLElncoll -0.717 7** -0.600 1* -0.147 6 0.314 2 -0.408 8 -0.285 7 (-2.01) (-1.65) (-0.30) (0.52) (-1.17) (-0.80) (lncoll)2 -1.415 3*** -1.385 8*** -1.921 7*** -1.677 2* -1.542 3*** -1.460 9*** (-4.30) (-4.21) (-2.75) (-1.93) (-4.97) (-4.68) lner 0.566 5*** 0.516 7*** 0.325 9*** 0.345 5*** 0.359 8*** 0.331 4*** (5.61) (4.92) (2.61) (2.96) (4.79) (4.32) lnpgdp 0.322 0 2.127 6* 0.054 2 -3.082 6 0.302 4* 2.064 6** (0.96) (1.91) (0.22) (-1.20) (1.91) (1.98) lnmar 0.216 7 0.102 6 0.101 3 0.198 8 0.234 7 0.166 7 (1.17) (0.52) (0.33) (0.64) (1.44) (1.00) lnis 0.480 5* 0.319 8 0.265 8 0.665 1 -0.064 4 -0.217 3 (1.69) (1.07) (0.50) (1.09) (-0.37) (-1.11) lnfdi 0.000 8 -0.007 8 0.201 0*** 0.183 4*** 0.027 3 0.018 2 (0.02) (-0.20) (2.90) (2.66) (0.72) (0.48) lnopen -0.084 9 -0.124 2 -0.147 9 -0.281 5*** -0.166 7** -0.187 9*** (-1.06) (-1.49) (-1.55) (-2.83) (-2.39) (-2.66) (lnpgdp)2 -0.0973* 0.161 7 -0.090 3* (-1.70) (1.24) (-1.71) N 420 420 420 420 420 420 Test 7.056 5 6.900 7 35.17 47.63 103.17 106.09 注:FE、PCSE及MLE估计结果Test栏对应的统计量分别为F统计量、Wald统计量与LR统计量;FE模型括号中为t统计量值;PCSE及MLE估计模型括号中为Z统计量值;***、**、*分别表示在1%、5%、10%的水平下显著。下表同。 表 3 考虑内生性问题的回归结果
变量 模型1 模型2 模型3 L.lncoll -1.066 8***(-3.07) -0.988 6***(-2.65) -0.786 7**(-2.07) L.(lncoll)2 -2.215 2***(-7.11) -1.929 4***(-5.45) -1.880 8***(-5.33) L.lner 0.535 9***(4.82) 0.507 2***(4.56) L.lnpgdp 0.041 4(0.12) 2.306 8**(2.18) L.lnmar -0.045 7(-0.24) -0.163 6(-0.85) L.lnis 0.629 8**(2.16) 0.480 9(1.62) L.lnfdi 0.010 9(0.26) 0.016 9(0.41) L.lnopen -0.058 7(-0.72) -0.089 4(-1.10) L.(lnpgdp)2 -0.127 9**(-2.27) 时间效应 YES YES YES 地区效应 YES YES YES N 390 390 390 F 8.212 5 7.431 1 7.409 6 表 4 环境污染、生产性服务业与制造业协同集聚和科技创新的全局莫兰指数检验结果①
变量 I E(I) sd(I) z p-value lnpoll 0.115 -0.034 0.089 1.684 0.046 lncoll -0.256 -0.034 0.081 -2.739 0.003 lnt 0.173 -0.034 0.091 2.275 0.011 表 5 基于静态空间杜宾面板模型的估计结果
变量 模型1
W3lncoll -0.899 1** -0.861 7** -0.879 2** -0.831 2** -0.737 8** -0.782 2** (-2.40) (-2.29) (-2.51) (-2.23) (-2.05) (-2.16) (lncoll)2 -1.742 7*** -1.717 5*** -1.528 1*** -1.489 7*** -1.593 9*** -1.541 0*** (-4.87) (-4.77) (-4.74) (-4.46) (-4.83) (-4.68) lner 0.530 9*** 0.5079*** 0.505 6*** 0.505 7*** 0.490 4*** 0.486 0*** (5.00) (4.72) (4.72) (4.74) (4.37) (4.24) lnpgdp 0.299 2 1.796 0 0.425 2 4.051 5** 0.238 5 0.0312 (0.89) (1.35) (1.24) (2.16) (0.72) (0.02) lnmar 0.280 6 0.190 7 0.135 8 0.096 2 0.261 6 0.181 2 (1.51) (0.96) (0.72) (0.50) (1.41) (0.89) lnfdi 0.019 7 0.006 6 -0.002 0 -0.008 1 0.029 2 0.023 0 (0.50) (0.16) (-0.05) (-0.21) (0.75) (0.59) lnis 0.344 2 0.252 7 0.531 8* 0.525 8* 0.219 2 0.151 4 (1.19) (0.85) (1.81) (1.74) (0.74) (0.50) lnopen -0.199 6** -0.209 5** -0.076 1 -0.086 9 -0.147 2* -0.151 0* (-2.24) (-2.35) (-0.95) (-1.08) (-1.77) (-1.81) (lnpgdp)2 -0.078 8 -0.192 2** 0.005 4 (-1.17) (-1.96) (0.08) W*lncoll -0.370 0 -0.358 6 -3.076 9*** -2.445 9** -1.661 3** -1.642 0** (-0.40) (-0.39) (-2.87) (-2.16) (-2.24) (-2.22) 地区效应 YES YES YES YES YES YES 时间效应 YES YES YES YES YES YES N 420 420 420 420 420 420 Log-L -105.223 5 -104.383 3 -96.863 3 -94.634 2 -101.172 6 -98.756 0 注:括号内为Z统计量值,Log-L表示Log-likelihood统计量。下表同。 表 6 动态空间杜宾面板模型估计结果
变量 模型1
W3L.lnpoll 0.357 2*** 0.353 4*** 0.324 7*** 0.319 6*** 0.362 9*** 0.357 3*** (11.96) (11.99) (11.01) (10.78) (11.95) (11.81) lncoll -0.358 8 -0.330 9 0.039 8 0.063 3 -0.450 6** -0.404 6* (-1.55) (-1.45) (0.18) (0.28) (-2.00) (-1.80) (lncoll)2 -0.584 0** -0.455 0** -0.444 7** -0.435 8** -0.732 3*** -0.750 5*** (-2.53) (-1.98) (-2.14) (-2.05) (-3.40) (-3.51) lner 0.531 1*** 0.502 0*** 0.397 8*** 0.397 8*** 0.494 5*** 0.455 0*** (7.61) (7.23) (5.66) (5.67) (6.93) (6.27) lnpgdp 0.360 1* 1.202 1 0.768 0*** 1.977 7 0.598 1*** 2.608 8*** (1.65) (1.41) (3.53) (1.62) (2.81) (3.00) lnmar 0.554 5*** 0.389 7*** 0.428 4*** 0.411 4*** 0.506 2*** 0.364 6*** (4.86) (3.20) (3.64) (3.45) (4.34) (2.86) lnis 0.392 5** 0.328 8* 0.056 5 0.045 4 0.288 1 0.182 5 (2.03) (1.70) (0.29) (0.23) (1.51) (0.95) lnfdi -0.056 9** -0.058 6** -0.033 5 -0.037 7 -0.024 6 -0.033 2 (-2.30) (-2.31) (-1.42) (-1.56) (-1.00) (-1.35) lnopen -0.183 8*** -0.183 6*** -0.110 8** -0.115 6** -0.172 2*** -0.189 9*** (-3.40) (-3.44) (-2.27) (-2.36) (-3.37) (-3.72) (lnpgdp)2 -0.048 3 -0.064 1 -0.106 6** (-1.12) (-1.01) (-2.43) W*lncoll -1.393 7** -1.379 3** 0.061 0 0.296 0 -1.931 8*** -1.845 6*** (-2.44) (-2.46) (0.09) (0.43) (-4.07) (-3.91) 时间效应 YES YES YES YES YES YES 地区效应 YES YES YES YES YES YES N 390 390 390 390 390 390 Log-L -285.301 0 -88.614 4 -6 218.577 4 -5 258.653 2 -246.160 6 -770.650 5 表 7 产业协同集聚对我国东部和中西部地区环境污染治理的差异化影响
变量 东部 中西部 W1 W2 W3 W1 W2 W3 L.lnpoll 0.345 2*** 0.342 7*** 0.342 8*** 0.392 9*** 0.416 8*** 0.395 4*** (7.28) (7.54) (7.24) (9.31) (9.56) (9.04) lncoll -0.257 4 -0.359 6 -0.329 9 -0.842 0*** -1.047 0*** -1.131 0*** (-0.60) (-0.82) (-0.75) (-3.15) (-3.84) (-4.17) (lncoll)2 -0.858 0** -0.900 6*** -0.917 2** -1.629 4*** -2.301 9*** -2.434 7*** (-2.45) (-2.73) (-2.54) (-3.02) (-4.31) (-4.51) lnmar 0.399 6 0.308 9 0.319 4 0.021 1 0.041 0 0.009 7 (1.04) (0.85) (0.79) (0.21) (0.41) (0.10) lner 0.210 6 0.254 1 0.182 4 0.612 0*** 0.583 1*** 0.583 7*** (0.98) (1.30) (0.86) (9.86) (9.41) (8.93) lnpgdp 12.861 8*** 14.7497*** 13.368 3*** 2.535 7*** 2.599 0*** 2.419 0*** (3.44) (4.12) (3.64) (2.91) (3.25) (2.84) lnfdi 0.061 3 0.046 1 0.060 2 -0.060 0*** -0.051 2*** -0.049 8** (1.04) (0.80) (1.03) (-3.01) (-2.81) (-2.48) lnis -2.046 5*** -1.843 0*** -2.074 1*** 0.7293*** 0.799 1*** 0.751 2*** (-3.99) (-3.87) (-4.18) (4.35) (4.73) (4.37) lnopen -0.815 5*** -0.811 5*** -0.806 0*** -0.082 1** -0.097 1*** -0.097 6** (-3.53) (-3.66) (-3.50) (-2.13) (-2.76) (-2.43) (lnpgdp)2 -0.598 2*** -0.697 3*** -0.623 6*** -0.120 0*** -0.119 8*** -0.108 1*** (-3.19) (-3.90) (-3.38) (-2.84) (-3.07) (-2.65) W*lncoll -0.086 0 -0.086 8 -0.221 9 -2.265 8*** -0.222 2 -1.534 8*** (-0.21) (-0.13) (-0.50) (-3.46) (-0.92) (-2.96) 地区效应 YES YES YES YES YES YES 时间效应 YES YES YES YES YES YES N 143 143 143 247 247 247 Log-L -134.421 9 -117.414 8 -204.281 5 -3 200.089 7 -455.376 8 -2 758.485 0 表 8 基于科技创新的中介效应检验
变量 模型1
ln t模型2
ln t模型4
ln t模型6
ln t模型8
lnpolllnt 0.119 9* 0.600 3*** 0.233 8*** -0.004 6 (1.90) (11.50) (3.19) (-0.09) lncoll 0.952 4* -0.461 7* 2.1217*** -1.504 8*** 0.969 7*** -0.500 4 0.051 8 0.065 5 (1.77) (-1.71) (5.99) (-6.68) (4.06) (-1.39) (0.42) (0.29) (lncoll)2 0.725 9* -1.539 5*** 1.402 8*** -1.627 7*** 0.695 3*** -1.614 9*** 0.271 5** -0.386 6* (1.95) (-8.65) (4.12) (-5.21) (3.32) (-5.13) (2.48) (-1.85) lner -0.228 5*** 0.336 6*** -0.374 1*** 0.776 6*** -0.241 7*** 0.401 4*** 0.231 0*** 0.413 2*** (-2.98) (3.73) (-7.92) (9.05) (-4.66) (5.03) (8.22) (8.38) lnpgdp 0.084 0 2.612 4** -1.480 7 -1.902 1** 0.058 3 1.868 3* 2.814 5*** 2.553 5*** (0.07) (2.61) (-1.04) (-2.08) (0.08) (1.79) (7.45) (3.57) lnmar 0.385 4** 0.039 8 1.637 7*** -0.106 8 0.431 3*** 0.075 1 -0.395 2*** 0.407 7*** (2.44) (0.25) (10.91) (-0.66) (3.84) (0.44) (-6.51) (3.83) lnis -0.766 4*** -0.255 2 0.303 3 2.381 0*** -0.744 8*** -0.003 8 0.616 9*** 0.012 4 (-2.82) (-0.66) (1.48) (7.61) (-5.74) (-0.02) (8.39) (0.10) lnfdi -0.014 2 -0.007 1 0.269 1*** 0.132 4*** -0.002 8 0.023 4 -0.037 0*** -0.016 5 (-0.29) (-0.14) (8.60) (4.43) (-0.11) (0.62) (-2.83) (-0.67) lnopen 0.189 4** -0.209 4*** 0.092 1 0.082 8* 0.162 5*** -0.216 4*** 0.028 8 -0.157 7*** (2.50) (-3.56) (1.29) (1.85) (3.27) (-3.12) (1.12) (-3.33) (lnpgdp)2 0.085 0 -0.127 9** -0.098 2** -0.243 7*** 0.083 2** -0.099 5* -0.162 3*** -0.104 8*** (1.24) (-2.42) (-1.97) (-5.94) (2.36) (-1.89) (-8.03) (-2.81) L.lnpoll(L.lnt) 0.857 5*** 0.327 8*** (29.16) (10.46) W*lncoll -0.529 7*** 0.043 0 (-3.29) (0.14) N 420 420 420 420 420 420 390 390 Test 330.923 9 40.135 4 2 181.47 5 243.73 116.0 1 168.81 264.909 82.908 注:空间计量模型Test栏给出的为log-L统计量值,其他模型Test栏给出的统计量说明同表 2。 -
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