The Ecological Environment Effect of Green Finance: Practical Test of the Greater Bay Area Under the Dual Carbon Goal
摘要: 提升生态环境质量是大湾区区域协同发展面临的紧要问题,也是双碳目标政策下的现实追求。粤港澳大湾区追求双碳目标下的高质量增长,提升大湾区经济发展的生态效应是关键。分析粤港澳大湾区九市经济增长对生态环境影响的主要因素,进而实证检验绿色金融发展对环境污染治理的影响,结果表明:绿色信贷安排能通过降低第二产业污染排放提升生态效应,绿色金融对促进第二产业环保改造和技术升级有很强的边际效应。未来大湾区各城市要在规划好各自产业绿色转型的基础上,协同完善绿色金融政策支持体系,建设大湾区统一的碳交易市场,践行双碳目标,加快美丽湾区建设步伐。Abstract: The improvement of ecological environment quality is not only an urgent task for the collaborative development of the Greater Bay Area(Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area), but also the realistic pursuit of the dual carbon policy. In pursuit of the high-quality growth under the dual carbon goal, the key is to enhance the ecological effects of the economic development in the Greater Bay Area. This paper analyses the main factors of the impact of economic growth on ecological environment in nine cities of the Greater Bay Area, then empirically tests the impact of green finance development on environmental pollution control. The results show that green credit can reduce pollution emissions by the secondary industry to enhance the ecological effects; the green finance has a strong marginal effect on the environmental protection transformation and technological upgrading of the secondary industry. In the future, it is expected to have good planning of the industrial green transformation in the cities of the Greater Bay Area, coordinately to improve supporting system of the green finance policy, develop a unified carbon trading market, and implement the dual carbon goal to accelerate the construction of the beautiful Greater Bay Area.
表 1 变量的描述性统计
变量 Pollu Gc Indust Ser Res Pop 平均值 -2.146 638 5.067 396 10.926 62 10.971 63 13.423 62 7.311 910 中位数 -2.111 530 5.903 498 7.609 466 7.497 091 13.257 86 6.168 983 最大值 -0.822 173 8.611 209 23.114 67 23.599 70 15.670 68 16.070 71 最小值 -4.718 866 0.000 000 6.648 376 6.478 909 11.155 06 5.084 010 标准差 0.674984 2.629 566 6.379 796 6.666 839 1.118 669 3.146 339 观测值数量 63 63 63 63 63 63 表 2 珠三角九市的绿色信贷余额对污染排放的影响(被解释变量:LPollu)
解释变量 方程(1) 方程(2) 方程(3) 方程(4) 方程(5) LGc -0.147 3*** -0.175 5*** -0.166 1*** -0.164 8*** -0.158 4*** (0.026 9) (0.026 3) (0.028 0) (0.026 8) (0.027 0) LIndust 0.036 5*** 0.357 5 0.133 6 0.341 8 (0.010 8) (0.329 0) (0.326 7) (0.361 8) LSer -0.308 5 -0.128 3** -0.345 0 (0.316 1) (0.310 5) (0.350 4) LRes 0.250 4** 0.262 8*** (0.098 2) (0.098 1) LPop 0.043 3 (0.033 2) 常数项 -1.400 4*** -1.065 3*** -1.826 3*** -4.724 9*** -5.138 7 (0.153 4) (0.160 8) (0.237 1) (1.159 5) (1.195 3) 城市固定效应 有 有 有 有 有 年份固定效应 有 有 有 有 有 R2 0.329 1 0.436 1 0.445 1 0.501 0 0.515 5 N 63 63 63 63 63 注:***、**、*分别表示在1%、5%、10%的水平上显著;括号中为稳健标准误。表 3、表 4同。 表 3 珠三角九市的绿色信贷余额对单位GDP能耗的影响(被解释变量:LPollu)
解释变量 方程(6) 方程(7) 方程(8) 方程(9) 方程(10) LGc -0.060 0*** -0.175 5*** -0.048 9*** -0.049 1*** -0.051 1*** (0.009 8) (0.026 3) (0.010 3) (0.010 2) (0.010 4) LIndust -0.012 5*** 0.037 6 0.086 0 0.020 7 (0.004 0) (0.0.121 6) (0.125 1) (0.139 2) LSer -0.048 2 -0.087 1 -0.019 2 (0.116 8) (0.118 9) (0.134 8) LRes 0.054 1 -0.058 0 (0.037 6) (0.037 7) LPop -0.013 8 (0.012 8) 常数项 -0.599 3*** -0.511 6*** -0.538 1*** 0.088 0 0.217 7 (0.055 7) (0.059 0) (0.087 6) (0.444 0) (0.459 9) 城市固定效应 有 有 有 有 有 年份固定效应 有 有 有 有 有 R2 0.381 6 0.469 4 0.470 9 0.489 1 0.499 1 N 63 63 63 63 63 表 4 大湾区九市绿色金融对环境污染的传导机制检验结果
解释变量 被解释变量:LPollu 被解释变量:LPow 方程(11) 方程(12) 方程(13) 方程(14) 方程(15) 方程(16) LGc -0.158 4*** -0.240 9*** -0.235 0*** -0.051 1*** -0.071 8*** -0.070 1*** (0.027 0) (0.049 1) (0.047 3) (0.010 4) (0.019 3) (0.018 6) LIndust 0.341 8 0.357 7 0.394 6 0.020 7 0.024 7 0.033 7 (0.361 8) (0.352 8) (0.354 2) (0.139 2) (0.138 5) (0.138 9) LSer -0.345 0 -0.403 2 -0.437 2 -0.019 2 -0.033 7 -0.041 9 (0.350 4) (0.342 8) (0.345 3) (0.134 8) (0.134 6) (0.135 5) LRes 0.262 8*** 0.239 6** 0.240 2** -0.058 0 -0.063 8* -0.063 6* (0.098 1) (0.096 4) (0.096 5) (0.037 7) (0.037 8) (0.037 9) LPop 0.043 3 0.043 6 0.042 8 -0.013 8 -0.013 5 -0.013 7 (0.033 2) (0.032 4) (0.032 4) (0.012 8) (0.012 7) (0.0127 1) LGc×LIndust -0.007 9* -0.002 0 (0.003 9) (0.001 5) LGc×LSer -0.007 3* -0.001 8 (0.003 8) (0.001 5) 常数项 -5.138 7 -4.423 3*** -4.457 5*** 0.217 7 0.396 9 0.385 9 (1.195 3) (1.219 4) (1.218 0) (0.459 9) (0.478 7) (0.477 9) 城市固定效应 有 有 有 有 有 有 年份固定效应 有 有 有 有 有 有 R2 0.515 5 0.547 6 0.546 3 0.499 1 0.513 1 0.512 2 N 63 63 63 63 63 63 -
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