The Regional Innovation Effect and Mechanism of Capital Matching: From the Perspective of Cultivating Innovation Ability
摘要: 区域创新不仅受到资本积累数量的影响,更受到资本匹配质量的制约。在拓展MRW模型的基础上,对“实物资本—人力资本—社会资本”最优匹配的存在性及创新与产出的关系进行理论分析,从创新力培育视角构建资本匹配对区域创新能力影响的分析框架,并利用中国省级面板数据进行实证检验。结果表明:资本的匹配会影响创新力的培育,进而会影响区域创新能力的提升,当实物资本、人力资本与社会资本处于最优比例时,区域创新效用将达到最大化;资本匹配协调度与经济发展水平呈正比,我国的资本匹配协调度总体呈上升趋势但区域差异明显,整体上东部沿海地区高于内陆地区,但中部地区资本匹配度对区域创新能力的提升作用高于东部和西部地区;资本匹配通过组织创新效应实现区域创新能力提升的解释程度最大,技术创新效应次之,产业创新效应最小。这一研究结论对于发挥资本质量外溢效应和技术进步效应,推动区域创新发展具有重要现实意义。Abstract: Regional innovation is not only influenced by the quantity of capital accumulation, but also restricted by the quality of capital matching. On the basis of expanding the MRW model, the existence of the optimal match of "physical capital-human capital-social capital" and the relationship between innovation and output are analyzed theoretically; the analytical framework of the impact of capital matching on regional innovation ability is constructed from the perspective of innovation cultivation and the empirical test is carried out by using provincial panel data in China. The results show that the matching of capital will affect the cultivation of innovation ability, which will affect the improvement of regional innovation ability, and when physical capital, human capital and social capital are in the optimal proportion, the effectiveness of regional innovation will be maximized; the degree of capital matching coordination is positively proportional to the level of economic development, and the degree of capital matching coordination in China is generally on the rise, but with obvious regional differences that the degree in the eastern coastal regions is higher than the inland region, but the degree in the central region has a higher effect on the improvement of regional innovation ability than the eastern and western regions; capital matching achieves the greatest degree of explanation of regional innovation ability improvement through organizational innovation effect, second to regional innovation ability improvement through technological innovation effect, and the least degree of interpretation of regional innovation ability improvement through industrial innovation effect. The conclusion of this study is of great practical significance to exert the spillover effect of capital quality and the effect of technological progress and promote regional innovation and development.
表 1 我国31个省份的实物资本、人力资本与社会资本匹配协调度
省份 2001 2006 2012 2018 北京 0.494 0.744 0.856 0.881 天津 0.464 0.714 0.828 0.856 河北 0.442 0.692 0.812 0.851 辽宁 0.404 0.654 0.786 0.809 山东 0.416 0.666 0.785 0.824 江苏 0.429 0.679 0.799 0.843 上海 0.515 0.765 0.879 0.901 浙江 0.451 0.701 0.819 0.866 福建 0.457 0.707 0.819 0.856 广东 0.504 0.754 0.867 0.904 海南 0.513 0.763 0.869 0.889 山西 0.393 0.643 0.786 0.856 黑龙江 0.388 0.638 0.749 0.834 吉林 0.311 0.561 0.679 0.829 河南 0.351 0.601 0.719 0.779 安徽 0.339 0.589 0.709 0.761 湖北 0.361 0.611 0.744 0.796 湖南 0.374 0.624 0.764 0.808 江西 0.372 0.622 0.759 0.801 陕西 0.295 0.545 0.661 0.712 甘肃 0.361 0.611 0.739 0.781 宁夏 0.305 0.555 0.672 0.739 青海 0.201 0.451 0.573 0.618 新疆 0.338 0.588 0.709 0.743 重庆 0.378 0.628 0.749 0.793 四川 0.352 0.602 0.729 0.758 贵州 0.363 0.613 0.736 0.781 云南 0.316 0.566 0.685 0.756 西藏 0.202 0.452 0.573 0.618 广西 0.349 0.599 0.729 0.779 内蒙古 0.303 0.553 0.672 0.716 表 2 变量的描述性统计分析
变量 均值 最大值 最小值 标准差 数量 Log(RIC) 8.763 13.078 1.946 1.857 558 Log(CM) -0.432 0.262 -1.604 0.106 558 Log(RTI) 10.193 12.872 2.485 1.875 558 Log(IS) -0.212 0.179 -1.110 0.060 558 Log(FDI) -4.475 -0.184 -9.094 1.083 558 Log(NP) 6.865 10.462 0.573 1.996 558 Log(PAR) 0.741 3.975 -2.280 1.453 558 Log(PSE) 6.509 8.965 1.897 0.741 558 表 3 资本匹配对区域创新能力的影响
解释变量 模型1 (基准回归) 模型2 (FE) 东部(FE) 中部(FE) 西部(RE) C 10.532*** (33.19) 4.057*** (9.150) 5.136*** (7.910) 3.980*** (4.090) 1.770** (2.070) Log(CM) 4.095*** (7.240) 6.039*** (15.350) 6.787*** (10.400) 7.589*** (9.150) 4.048*** (6.160) Log(RTI) 0.560*** (14.610) 0.390*** (7.060) 0.474*** (5.580) 0.748*** (10.680) Log(IS) -5.565*** (-10.550) -6.115*** (-7.440) -6.496*** (-6.840) -3.519*** (-3.680) Log(FDI) -0.095*** (-2.900) -0.493*** (-4.340) -0.307*** (-3.980) -0.044 (-0.980) Hausman检验 30.370*** 16.81*** 11.390** 7.500 调整的R2 0.335 0.807 0.844 0.862 0.775 观测值 558 558 198 144 216 注:C为常数项,括号中数字为t检验值,***、**、*分别表示1%、5%和10%的显著水平,FE代表固定效应模型,RE代表随机效应模型。 表 4 资本匹配对区域创新能力影响的传导机制检验
变量 Log(NP) Log(PAR) Log(PSE) Log(CM) 0.009*(0.870) 0.010*(0.680) 0.050*(1.640) 全部控制变量 Yes Yes Yes 地区与时间控制 Yes Yes Yes 调整的R2 0.972 0.972 0.974 注:括号内为稳健标准误, ***、**、*分别表示1%、5%和10%的显著水平。 表 5 资本匹配对区域协调发展影响的传导机制分解
解释变量 基准回归 机制1:产业创新 机制2:技术创新 机制3:组织创新 Log(NP) Log(PAR) Log(PSE) Log(CM) 0.894*(1.080) 1.028*(2.001) 1.118*(2.442) 1.296*(2.632) Log(NP) 0.026*(0.390) Log(PAR) 0.431***(4.350) Log(PSE) 0.250**(2.540) $1 - \hat a/\hat \varepsilon $ 13% 20% 31% 全部控制变量 Yes Yes Yes Yes 地区与时间控制 Yes Yes Yes Yes 调整的R2 0.938 0.938 0.953 0.940 表 6 稳健性检验结果
解释变量 稳健性检验1:替换核心解释变量 稳健性检验1:替换核心解释变量 稳健性检验1:替换核心解释变量 稳健性检验2:随机效应回归 C 4.115***(10.010) 4.131***(10.163) 4.225***(11.178) 2.764***(13.480) Log(CM) 5.593*(4.116) 实物资本与人力资本匹配 6.443***(5.661) 实物资本与社会资本匹配 7.665***(6.563) 人力资本与社会资本匹配 8.336***(7.346) 全部控制变量 Yes Yes Yes Yes 地区与时间控制 Yes Yes Yes Yes 调整的R2 0.811 0.816 0.825 0.936 -
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