On the Delimitation of Data Rights and System Construction of the Protection and Utilization of Data under the "Calabresi-Melamed Framework"
摘要: 大数据时代, 数据权益冲突不断升级, 权属界定成为数据保护与数据利用的核心问题, 而《民法典》《数据安全法(草案)》等现行立法均未对此作正面回应。立足数据处理过程, 对数上权益进行识别和界分是数据权属界定的基础。基于不同分类数据之上所承载的权益不同, 可区分为个人数据之上个人数据主体的数据人格权益, 衍生数据之上数据处理者的数据财产权益以及公共数据之上社会大众的公共利益。由此, 采用法经济学中的“卡—梅框架”, 以数据权益保护的效果为核心构建数据保护及利用规则体系, 包括确立数据财产规则, 形成基于数据使用过程的权益分配机制; 确立数据责任规则, 设置数据征用权和数据求偿权; 确立数据管制规则, 实现行为规范、行为限制和处罚并行。Abstract: The delimitation of data rights is the core of data protection and utilization in the big data era, but it hasn't been regulated in China's current legal system. It is essential to identify and distinguish the data rights and interests in the procedure of data processing. Through the analysis of the different rights and interests of data, it can be concluded that there are personal data within personality right owned by individuals, and derived data within property right obtained by data processor, and public data within public interests regarded as public goods and controlled by government. Based on the notion of the effect of data rights protection as the core, "Calabresi-Melamed framework"is employed to construct the protection and utilization rules, including the data property rules to divide the data interests in the procedure of data processing, and the liability rules to promote data utilization and to realize remedy, and the regulation rules to establish regulating norms, restrictions and penalties for conduct.
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