Constraints on Economic Growth targets, Inter-governmental competition and the Provision of Basic Public Services
摘要: 基于2007—2017年的省级面板数据, 从基本公共服务支出规模和支出偏好双重视角检验经济增长目标设定对基本公共服务供给的影响及政府间竞争的调节效应。研究表明: (1)在经济增长目标约束下, 地方政府会扩大基本公共服务支出规模, 但也会表现出“轻公共服务”的偏好, 且政府间的竞争会强化这种效应。(2)异质性研究显示, 在经济增长目标约束下, 东部地区基本公共服务支出规模仍有明显增加, 但西部地区的经济目标设置对基本公共服务支出产生了明显负效应; 具有“软约束”特征的经济增长目标有利于增加基本公共服务支出规模, 降低对基本公共服务支出偏好的负向影响。(3)空间效应研究显示, 经济增长目标设定不仅对本地区基本公共服务支出偏好具有负向影响, 对邻近地区也存在显著的空间溢出效应。因此, 应设立激励相容的经济增长目标, 激励地方政府投资长远利好的公共服务项目, 对不同地区采取差异化的考核策略, 以均衡增加我国的基本公共服务供给。Abstract: Based on the provincial panel data from 2007-2017, this study aims to examine the impact of economic growth target on the provision of basic public services and the moderating effect of inter-governmental competition from the dual perspectives of the scale and the preference of basic public services expenditure. It is found that under the constraint on economic growth target, local governments will scale up expenditure on basic public services, but will still show a preference for lesser public services, and inter-governmental competition will reinforce this effect. Heterogeneity studies show that under the constraint on economic growth target, the scale of expenditure on basic public services increases in the eastern region of the country, while the economic target setting in the western region has an obvious negative effect on its basic public service expenditure; the economic growth target featured with"soft constraint"is conducive to increasing the scale of expenditure on basic public services and reducing the negative incentive to preferable expenditure on basic public services. The spatial effect study shows that the setting of growth target not only has a negative impact on the spending preferences for basic public services in the region, but also has a significant spatial spillover effect on neighboring regions. For this reason, it is necessary to set compatible economic growth target, motivate local governments to invest in public service projects with long-term benefits, and adopt different assessment strategies for different regions in order to increase China's supply of basic public services in a balanced manner.
表 1 主要变量的描述性统计分析
变量名称 均值 标准差 最大值 最小值 中位数 scale 8.315 3 0.624 0 9.957 8 6.890 2 8.361 9 prefer 0.513 5 0.056 3 0.672 7 0.308 7 0.513 9 target 9.791 2 1.846 0 15.000 0 5.500 0 10.000 0 compet 13.312 5 2.879 7 17.896 6 2.223 5 13.832 6 three 43.181 6 9.333 3 80.560 0 28.600 0 41.050 0 second 46.146 8 8.424 2 61.500 0 19.010 0 47.700 0 urban 53.152 2 14.207 4 89.600 0 22.610 0 51.400 0 oldratio 0.095 7 0.019 0 0.142 8 0.048 2 0.095 7 density 7.810 4 0.462 0 8.694 0 6.244 2 7.811 6 degree 2.583 3 2.039 7 15.624 1 1.051 7 2.206 4 表 2 经济增长目标设置对基本公共服务供给的影响
变量名称 公共服务支出规模(scale) 公共服务支出偏好(prefer) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) target 1.499 7*** 1.506 2*** 1.749 6*** -0.438 2*** -0.432 1*** -0.571 0*** (3.698) (3.610) (4.177) (-2.610) (-2.687) (-3.436) compet 0.011 4* 0.010 8** 0.010 6*** 0.010 9*** (1.840) (2.141) (5.219) (5.437) target#compet 0.183 1** -0.104 5*** (1.983) (-2.852) three 0.006 5 0.005 4 0.006 2 0.001 1 0.000 1 -0.000 4 (0.724) (0.627) (1.456) (0.600) (0.031) (-0.221) second 0.016 5* 0.015 4* 0.015 7*** 0.000 7 -0.000 3 -0.000 4 (1.824) (1.726) (4.338) (0.479) (-0.174) (-0.296) urban 0.009 3*** 0.008 9*** 0.008 3*** -0.000 3 -0.000 7 -0.000 4 (3.338) (3.124) (3.531) (-0.295) (-0.763) (-0.408) oldratio 1.492 9 1.376 3 1.430 7*** 0.242 4 0.134 1 0.103 1 (1.400) (1.273) (3.174) (1.294) (0.742) (0.576) density -0.006 6 -0.003 9 -0.005 2 -0.020 2** -0.017 6* -0.016 9* (-0.197) (-0.117) (-0.218) (-2.020) (-1.839) (-1.780) degree -0.005 2 -0.005 9 -0.004 8 -0.004 9 -0.005 6 -0.006 2* (-0.567) (-0.633) (-0.521) (-1.272) (-1.512) (-1.705) _cons 5.710 0*** 5.669 1*** 5.954 8*** 0.647 0*** 0.609 1*** 0.714 8*** (6.956) (7.116) (14.702) (3.796) (3.727) (4.447) 省份效应 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 时间效应 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes R2 0.984 0 0.984 2 0.984 4 0.286 4 0.347 3 0.365 1 观测值 341 341 341 341 341 341 注:括号中为t值;*p < 0.1, **p < 0.05, ***p < 0.01。下同。 表 3 工具变量(Ⅳ-2SLS)估计结果
变量名称 以邻近地区均值为工具变量 以滞后一期为工具变量 (1) (2) (3) (4) scale prefer scale prefer target 3.055 6*** -1.154 9*** 3.620 0*** -0.584 5* (3.059) (-2.775) (4.431) (-1.788) three 0.007 4* 0.000 6 0.003 3 0.001 4 (1.828) (0.370) (0.770) (0.803) second 0.016 1*** 0.000 9 0.010 9*** 0.001 2 (4.648) (0.625) (2.858) (0.815) urban 0.007 7*** 0.000 5 0.007 2*** 0.000 0 (3.190) (0.446) (2.763) (0.011) oldratio 1.486 9*** 0.245 1 1.384 5*** 0.377 3** (3.461) (1.370) (3.137) (2.137) density 0.011 6 -0.028 6*** 0.025 9 -0.014 3 (0.457) (-2.709) (1.033) (-1.425) degree 0.000 2 -0.007 4* 0.003 9 -0.004 2 (0.021) (-1.887) (0.415) (-1.110) _cons 6.227 1*** 0.722 5*** 8.089 1*** 0.530 6*** (13.510) (3.762) (16.124) (2.643) 省份效应 Yes Yes Yes Yes 时间效应 Yes Yes Yes Yes 观测值 341 341 310 310 R2 0.989 9 0.785 4 0.988 3 0.812 0 表 4 GMM稳健估计结果
变量名称 系统GMM方法 差分GMM方法 (1) (2) (3) (4) scale prefer scale prefer L.scale 0.811 7*** 0.230 6*** (11.279) (2.964) L.prefer 0.3689*** 0.4271*** (3.298) (5.378) target 2.061 3** -0.747 1** 1.397 1* -0.426 5* (2.165) (-2.014) (1.943) (-1.704) three 0.001 1 -0.000 6 -0.000 2 -0.000 8 (0.379) (-0.480) (-0.047) (-0.408) second -0.005 0* -0.000 8 0.000 2 -0.002 4 (-1.758) (-0.580) (0.037) (-1.294) urban 0.007 4*** 0.001 7** 0.015 5*** 0.005 2*** (3.023) (2.325) (6.546) (5.893) oldratio -1.460 1 0.107 5 0.504 5** -0.058 2 (-1.474) (0.928) (2.028) (-0.604) density 0.081 8*** -0.003 2 0.050 0*** -0.000 9 (8.621) (-0.526) (4.252) (-0.218) degree 0.019 2* -0.006 7** 0.011 5 -0.024 4*** (1.771) (-2.389) (1.139) (-5.220) _cons 0.728 5 0.426 5** 4.575 7*** 0.323 6 (1.487) (2.541) (7.824) (1.455) ar(2) 0.113 3 0.632 5 0.604 1 0.886 5 sargan 1.000 0 0.981 6 0.996 6 0.422 1 观测值 310 310 279 279 表 5 地区异质性对基本公共服务支出的影响
变量名称 公共服务支出规模(scale) 公共服务支出偏好(prefer) 东部 中、西部 东部 中、西部 (1) (2) (3) (4) target 2.299 6** 0.822 5 -0.142 0 -0.411 8** (2.813) (1.580) (-0.658) (-2.055) three -0.004 4 0.012 9 -0.005 4** 0.006 1*** (-0.232) (1.446) (-2.071) (3.082) second 0.001 2 0.024 7** -0.006 3*** 0.008 0*** (0.081) (2.686) (-3.023) (4.398) urban 0.014 6*** 0.012 8** 0.001 8* 0.003 9** (3.827) (2.457) (1.742) (2.048) oldratio 1.393 9 0.829 3 0.201 2 0.514 1* (0.872) (1.566) (0.976) (1.871) density -0.003 4 -0.007 6 -0.018 1 -0.016 3 (-0.057) (-0.189) (-1.036) (-1.595) degree -0.112 3 -0.004 9 -0.038 8** -0.002 9 (-1.736) (-0.418) (-2.436) (-0.687) _cons 6.671 4*** 5.038 5*** 1.137 4*** -0.108 8 (4.562) (5.950) (3.738) (-0.567) 省份效应 Yes Yes Yes Yes 时间效应 Yes Yes Yes Yes R2 0.9799 0.9903 0.5005 0.4777 观测值 143 187 143 187 表 6 经济增长目标设置方式的异质性对基本公共服务供给的影响
变量名称 硬约束 软约束 (1) (2) (3) (4) scale prefer scale prefer target 1.289 4*** -0.496 6* 1.826 4*** -0.318 1 (3.025) (-1.843) (2.901) (-1.213) three 0.008 4 0.000 4 0.019 2** 0.001 8 (1.488) (0.162) (2.254) (0.436) second 0.019 4*** 0.000 4 0.027 5*** -0.000 3 (3.360) (0.162) (3.019) (-0.083) urban 0.011 6*** 0.001 5 0.001 9 0.000 6 (3.610) (0.722) (0.463) (0.228) oldratio 1.365 4* 0.182 6 1.713 6 0.161 9 (1.927) (0.551) (1.061) (0.497) density 0.018 1 -0.015 7 -0.038 8 -0.025 3 (0.572) (-0.780) (-1.005) (-1.252) degree 0.005 0 -0.003 8 -0.045 3 -0.062 9*** (0.661) (-0.653) (-0.867) (-2.931) _cons 5.240 1*** 0.576 8** 5.150 5*** 0.785 1* (9.485) (2.134) (5.936) (1.832) 省份效应 Yes Yes Yes Yes 时间效应 Yes Yes Yes Yes R2 0.988 9 0.297 0 0.973 2 0.411 0 观测值 193 193 148 148 表 7 基本公共服务支出的莫兰指数检验结果
基本公共服务支出规模(scale) 基本公共服务支出偏好(prefer) 年份 Moran's I Z统计量 p-value 年份 Moran's I Z统计量 p-value 2007 0.230 2.445 0.014 2007 -0.009 0.232 0.816 2008 0.245 2.576 0.010 2008 0.030 0.594 0.553 2009 0.240 2.522 0.012 2009 -0.032 0.014 0.989 2010 0.225 2.377 0.017 2010 -0.010 0.225 0.822 2011 0.209 2.225 0.026 2011 0.110 1.443 0.149 2012 0.191 2.061 0.039 2012 0.251 2.751 0.006 2013 0.188 2.032 0.042 2013 0.295 3.204 0.001 2014 0.186 2.024 0.043 2014 0.326 3.435 0.001 2015 0.175 1.942 0.052 2015 0.348 3.554 0.000 2016 0.158 1.788 0.074 2016 0.344 3.533 0.000 2017 0.139 1.624 0.104 2017 0.307 3.177 0.001 表 8 经济增长目标约束对基本公共服务供给的空间溢出效应
变量名称 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) scale prefer scale prefer scale prefer target 1.430 8*** -0.407 4*** 1.434 4*** -0.405 1*** 1.675 9*** -0.531 5*** (3.74) (-2.67) (3.78) (-2.76) (4.26) (-3.49) compet 0.011 4** 0.010 0*** 0.010 9** 0.010 4*** (2.44) (5.44) (2.33) (5.67) target#compet 0.185 5** -0.092 7*** (2.18) (-2.75) three 0.006 2 0.000 7 0.005 1 -0.000 2 0.005 8 -0.000 6 (1.57) (0.44) (1.30) (-0.14) (1.49) (-0.37) second 0.016 0*** 0.000 5 0.015 0*** -0.000 4 0.015 2*** -0.000 5 (4.72) (0.36) (4.40) (-0.31) (4.51) (-0.41) urban 0.009 1*** -0.000 4 0.008 7*** -0.000 8 0.008 1*** -0.000 5 (4.20) (-0.46) (4.00) (-0.94) (3.72) (-0.58) oldratio 1.502 9*** 0.287 8* 1.386 1*** 0.179 6 1.442 0*** 0.146 8 (3.59) (1.69) (3.32) (1.09) (3.47) (0.90) lndensity -0.005 5 -0.022 1** -0.002 7 -0.019 4** -0.004 0 -0.018 6** (-0.25) (-2.43) (-0.12) (-2.23) (-0.18) (-2.14) degree -0.006 0 -0.006 4* -0.006 7 -0.006 9** -0.005 6 -0.007 3** (-0.69) (-1.82) (-0.78) (-2.04) (-0.66) (-2.18) ρ 0.061 2 0.232 1*** 0.063 8 0.205 8*** 0.068 2 0.181 9*** (0.89) (3.32) (0.94) (2.98) (1.01) (2.61) 观测值 341 341 341 341 341 341 R2 0.051 9 0.271 9 0.028 2 0.254 0 0.024 2 0.245 8 Log_like 470.196 3 775.454 6 473.157 5 789.701 5 475.512 6 793.458 8 表 9 空间效应分解: 直接效应、间接效应与总效应
变量名称 直接效应 间接效应 总效应 scale prefer scale prefer scale prefer target 1.447 4*** -0.407 6** 0.087 9 -0.117 6* 1.535 3*** -0.525 3** (3.68) (-2.57) (0.78) (-1.92) (3.73) (-2.53) three 0.006 1 0.000 6 0.000 4 0.000 2 0.006 4 0.000 8 (1.60) (0.41) (0.60) (0.35) (1.58) (0.40) second 0.016 1*** 0.000 5 0.001 0 0.000 1 0.017 1*** 0.000 6 (4.93) (0.38) (0.82) (0.32) (4.84) (0.37) urban 0.009 1*** -0.000 4 0.000 6 -0.000 1 0.009 6*** -0.000 6 (4.33) (-0.52) (0.85) (-0.51) (4.40) (-0.53) oldratio 1.509 8*** 0.293 9* 0.095 6 0.085 1 1.605 4*** 0.379 1* (3.73) (1.76) (0.78) (1.41) (3.66) (1.74) lndensity -0.004 5 -0.022 0** -0.000 2 -0.006 4* -0.004 7 -0.028 4** (-0.20) (-2.41) (-0.09) (-1.75) (-0.20) (-2.33) degree -0.005 5 -0.006 4* -0.000 3 -0.001 8 -0.005 9 -0.008 2* (-0.61) (-1.72) (-0.36) (-1.42) (-0.61) (-1.70) -
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