Innovation Leadership in National Central Cities: Evidence from Corporate Off-site Collaborative Innovation
摘要: 国家中心城市肩负着引领区域经济发展,促进地区对外开放的重要使命,其创新引领作用将为企业合作创新搭建良好平台。以实施国家中心城市建设事件为准自然实验,利用交错双重差分模型识别国家中心城市建设对企业异地合作创新的影响。研究发现:国家中心城市建设能显著提高中心城市与其他城市企业联合申请专利的数量,国家中心城市的创新带动作用明显;异质性分析显示,国家中心城市建设对东部地区、民营企业、同一学科内的企业异地合作创新影响效应更强;机制检验表明,国家中心城市通过提升市场一体化水平、推进区域产业分工、增强经济关联等渠道影响企业异地合作创新;进一步研究发现,国家中心城市的创新引领效应影响范围有限,但企业合作创新的质量较高,创新的持续性和稳定性较好。因此,地方政府应有效利用国家中心城市建设机遇,促进城市间企业合作创新,推动企业高质量发展。Abstract: The national central city shoulders the important mission of leading regional economic development and promoting regional opening up. Their leading roles in innovation will provide a good platform for enterprise cooperation and innovation. Taking national central cities as the research object, central city construction is regarded as a quasi-natural experiment by using a difference-in-differences model to identify the impact of national central city construction on off-site collaborative innovation among enterprises. The results indicate that the construction of national central cities can significantly increase the number of joint patent applications between central cities and enterprises in other cities. The innovation-driven effect of national central cities is obvious. The heterogeneity analysis shows that the construction of national central cities had a stronger impact on the eastern region, private enterprises, and long-distance cooperative innovation within the same discipline. The mechanism test suggests that the national central cities influence the remote collaborative innovation among enterprises by improving market integration, promoting regional industrial divisions, and enhancing economic ties. Further research demonstrates that the innovation-leading effect of national central cities is of limited scope, but the quality of long-distance cooperative innovation among enterprises is higher, and the sustainability and stability of innovation are better. Therefore, local governments should effectively utilize the opportunities of national central city construction to promote inter-city enterprise collaborative innovation, and promote the high-quality development of enterprises.
表 1 变量描述性统计
变量 变量含义 观测值 均值 标准差 lncro 城市间所有企业合作专利总量 125 496 0.304 0.840 Cro_d 城市间企业合作创新强度 125 496 0.000 0.002 Contribute 合作创新中心城市贡献度 125 496 0.129 0.333 Center 配对城市当年是否包含国家中心城市 125 496 0.141 0.348 lngdpc 城市间经济距离 125 496 17.21 1.305 lnopen 城市间对外开放距离 125 496 16.16 1.826 lnrd 城市间研发投入距离 125 496 11.63 1.726 airport 两个城市是否都建有机场 125 496 0.323 0.468 hsr 两个城市是否都建有高铁 125 496 0.325 0.468 lnroad 两个城市的公路客运总量 125 496 9.626 0.951 表 2 基准回归结果
变量 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 城市间企业合作专利总量 城市间合作创新强度 合作创新中心城市贡献度 lncro lncro Cro_d Cro_d Contribute Contribute Center 0.364 1*** 0.371 5*** 0.000 1*** 0.000 1*** 0.123 8*** 0.123 5*** (0.016 2) (0.016 4) (0.000 0) (0.000 0) (0.006 2) (0.006 2) lngdpc 0.003 8 -0.000 0* -0.001 5 (0.007 3) (0.000 0) (0.003 5) lnopen -0.033 2*** -0.000 0*** -0.004 8*** (0.004 1) (0.000 0) (0.001 8) lnrd 0.010 5*** 0.000 0 0.008 2*** (0.003 7) (0.000 0) (0.001 7) airport 0.011 6 0.000 0 0.008 7 (0.013 1) (0.000 0) (0.005 3) hsr 0.082 6*** 0.000 0 0.033 2*** (0.007 5) (0.000 0) (0.003 4) lnroad -0.010 3* 0.000 0*** -0.007 9*** (0.006 1) (0.000 0) (0.002 6) 城市i×城市j 是 是 是 是 是 是 时间固定效应 是 是 是 是 是 是 常数项 0.244 9*** 0.661 6*** 0.000 1*** 0.000 3*** 0.134 5*** 0.205 4*** (0.002 3) (0.141 2) (0.000 0) (0.000 1) (0.000 9) (0.066 1) 观测值 125 496 125 496 125 496 125 496 125 496 125 496 R2 0.640 7 0.642 1 0.587 1 0.587 4 0.490 3 0.491 3 注:括号内的数值为城市对层面的聚类标准误;* * *、* *、*分别表示1%、5%和10%的显著性水平。下表同。 表 3 稳健性检验
变量 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Heckman检验 创新型城市 宽带中国 经济协调会 删除超大城市 lncro lncro lncro lncro lncro Center 0.229 5*** 0.372 8*** 0.370 4*** 0.373 5*** 0.191 5*** (0.055 9) (0.016 4) (0.016 4) (0.016 4) (0.015 9) rencity 0.218 3*** (0.026 6) broadband 0.091 3*** (0.013 7) YRD 0.306 1*** (0.033 3) hsr -0.037 3 0.078 0*** 0.080 8*** 0.080 8*** 0.073 6*** (0.027 0) (0.007 5) (0.007 5) (0.007 5) (0.006 9) airport -0.037 8 0.005 7 0.012 5 0.010 9 0.015 0 (0.050 5) (0.013 1) (0.013 1) (0.013 0) (0.012 3) lnroad -0.014 4 -0.009 6 -0.009 7 -0.008 7 -0.054 8*** (0.025 5) (0.006 1) (0.006 1) (0.006 1) (0.005 9) lngdpc -0.012 2 0.005 5 0.005 0 0.002 1 0.016 4** (0.028 6) (0.007 2) (0.007 3) (0.007 3) (0.007 3) lnopen -0.074 1*** -0.033 3*** -0.032 4*** -0.032 1*** -0.008 9** (0.020 7) (0.004 1) (0.004 1) (0.004 1) (0.003 9) lnrd 0.050 8** 0.009 7*** 0.010 4*** 0.009 1** 0.024 2*** (0.020 4) (0.003 7) (0.003 7) (0.003 6) (0.003 5) 城市i×城市j 是 是 是 是 是 时间固定效应 是 是 是 是 是 常数项 -9.582 2*** 0.632 5*** 0.616 4*** 0.666 4*** 0.286 7** (2.866 7) (0.139 8) (0.141 1) (0.140 3) (0.138 7) 观测值 125 496 125 496 125 496 125 496 115 038 R2 0.642 9 0.642 6 0.643 5 0.569 6 表 4 异质性分析
变量 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 区域异质性 学科内 跨学科 国有 民营 国有—民营 lncro lninter lnout lnstate lnprivate lnstate_pri Center 0.288 2*** 0.351 6*** 0.148 0*** 0.076 3*** 0.205 5*** 0.201 2*** (0.016 4) (0.015 8) (0.008 5) (0.005 8) (0.011 4) (0.011 3) Center×area 0.701 1*** (0.060 7) lngdpc 0.008 4 0.003 3 0.003 2 0.003 2 0.002 5 0.000 1 (0.007 3) (0.007 0) (0.003 2) (0.002 3) (0.005 8) (0.003 6) lnopen -0.025 4*** -0.032 5*** -0.016 1*** -0.003 2** -0.018 9*** -0.014 9*** (0.004 1) (0.003 9) (0.001 9) (0.001 3) (0.003 1) (0.002 4) lnrd 0.013 9*** 0.008 6** 0.003 5** -0.000 4 0.011 2*** 0.001 7 (0.003 7) (0.003 5) (0.001 8) (0.001 1) (0.003 0) (0.002 1) airport 0.009 1 0.008 0 0.005 7 0.006 6 -0.000 7 -0.001 4 (0.012 9) (0.012 5) (0.006 6) (0.004 1) (0.010 0) (0.007 9) hsr 0.075 2*** 0.077 5*** 0.028 3*** 0.010 8*** 0.054 3*** 0.027 5*** (0.007 5) (0.007 2) (0.003 7) (0.002 5) (0.005 8) (0.004 7) lnroad -0.018 0*** -0.006 0 -0.003 3 0.005 4*** -0.018 4*** 0.016 6*** (0.006 0) (0.005 8) (0.002 9) (0.001 7) (0.004 7) (0.003 4) 城市i×城市j 是 是 是 是 是 是 时间固定效应 是 是 是 是 是 是 常数项 0.488 5*** 0.616 6*** 0.257 3*** -0.027 0 0.426 0*** 0.147 8* (0.140 5) (0.133 8) (0.063 2) (0.043 8) (0.112 6) (0.076 3) 观测值 125 496 125 496 125 496 125 496 125 496 125 496 R2 0.645 6 0.634 0 0.533 9 0.417 0 0.536 7 0.578 5 表 5 机制检验
变量 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 市场一体化 区域产业分工 经济联系 mseg ind_div1 ind_div2 cone1 cone2 Center -0.002 5*** 0.018 5*** 0.051 4*** 0.016 0*** 0.016 6*** (0.000 3) (0.003 3) (0.002 7) (0.003 9) (0.003 3) lngdpc -0.003 8*** -0.001 8 0.007 8*** 0.061 4*** 0.057 8*** (0.000 3) (0.002 5) (0.002 1) (0.003 4) (0.003 1) lnopen -0.002 5*** -0.003 4*** 0.004 1*** 0.014 4*** 0.013 7*** (0.000 1) (0.001 2) (0.001 2) (0.001 4) (0.001 2) lnrd -0.002 5*** 0.003 2*** 0.005 4*** 0.034 7*** 0.034 8*** (0.000 1) (0.001 2) (0.000 9) (0.001 3) (0.001 3) airport -0.001 4*** 0.011 7*** 0.030 2*** -0.010 9** -0.021 0*** (0.000 4) (0.003 7) (0.002 9) (0.004 4) (0.004 2) hsr 0.000 6*** 0.020 5*** 0.017 1*** 0.010 9*** 0.003 7 (0.000 2) (0.002 3) (0.001 9) (0.002 6) (0.002 3) lnroad -0.003 7*** -0.000 2 -0.010 2*** -0.001 4 -0.004 4** (0.000 2) (0.001 9) (0.001 5) (0.002 2) (0.002 0) 城市i×城市j 是 是 是 是 是 时间固定效应 是 是 是 是 是 常数项 0.312 7*** 0.355 5*** 0.511 0*** 7.380 0*** 7.892 1*** (0.005 9) (0.050 4) (0.042 7) (0.062 6) (0.056 9) 观测值 115 038 116 138 112 931 125 496 125 496 R2 0.974 9 0.753 2 0.809 1 0.996 3 0.997 0 表 6 合作创新的边界和质量
变量 (1) (2) (3) (4) 城市群协同 群内合作总量 独立创新 独立发明专利 lncro lncro_tq ln_independ ln_ind_innon Center 0.341 3*** (0.016 5) Center×qun_inter 0.631 8*** (0.086 8) Centercitys 0.346 3*** 0.055 8 0.102 9** (0.094 5) (0.040 6) (0.046 8) 控制变量 是 是 是 是 城市i×城市j 是 是 是 是 时间固定效应 是 是 是 是 常数项 0.660 8*** -3.552 5 -2.649 6* -4.246 5** (0.140 9) (3.654 4) (1.475 2) (1.650 8) 观测值 125 496 2 878 2 878 2 878 R2 0.643 4 0.683 2 0.901 2 0.867 4 表 7 合作创新的类型和稳定性
变量 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 创新型 实用新型 外观设计 合作创新广度 合作创新深度 lninnon lnutility lndesign width depth Center 0.276 2*** 0.289 8*** 0.016 9*** 0.247 5*** 0.185 8*** (0.013 3) (0.013 9) (0.001 8) (0.010 7) (0.009 0) lngdpc 0.003 5 0.001 8 0.000 5 -0.000 5 -0.000 9 (0.006 0) (0.005 4) (0.000 9) (0.005 0) (0.004 7) lnopen -0.026 9*** -0.030 5*** -0.003 8*** -0.018 8*** -0.015 8*** (0.003 3) (0.003 3) (0.000 5) (0.002 8) (0.002 4) lnrd 0.008 1*** 0.004 6 0.000 1 0.010 3*** 0.007 1*** (0.003 0) (0.002 8) (0.000 4) (0.002 5) (0.002 3) airport 0.005 4 0.009 4 -0.0014 0.005 1 0.013 0* (0.010 6) (0.010 4) (0.001 5) (0.008 7) (0.007 6) hsr 0.063 0*** 0.055 4*** 0.003 4*** 0.052 0*** 0.043 8*** (0.006 1) (0.005 9) (0.000 9) (0.005 1) (0.004 6) lnroad -0.007 3 -0.001 1 -0.003 3*** -0.011 2*** -0.005 4 (0.004 8) (0.004 9) (0.000 8) (0.004 2) (0.003 4) 城市i×城市j 是 是 是 是 是 时间固定效应 是 是 是 是 是 常数项 0.503 1*** 0.536 0*** 0.092 5*** 0.468 3*** 0.363 2*** (0.113 7) (0.106 1) (0.016 2) (0.098 0) (0.086 6) 观测值 125 496 125 496 125 496 125 496 125 496 R2 0.627 1 0.592 2 0.314 5 0.634 6 0.528 7 -
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