An Important Hub for Building a New Dual Circulation Development Pattern: Theoretical Logic and Realization Path of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Demonstration
摘要: 增强国内大循环的内生动力和可靠性,提升国际循环质量和水平,是党的二十大报告提出的最新要求。粤港澳大湾区成为“双循环”新发展格局的重要枢纽,既能满足新时期国家发展的战略要求,也是大湾区需承担的重大历史任务。大湾区示范地位的确立,源自大湾区有多元的社会制度、良好的经济基础和连通国内国际的区位优势;对粤港澳大湾区内外循环及其辐射效应的实证分析也显示,大湾区能全方位地在“双循环”新发展格局中发挥示范带动作用。为完成这一历史重任,大湾区应重塑发展新动能、重建竞争规则、重构政府与市场的作用,优化经济循环机制;以全面推进前海深港现代服务业合作区和横琴粤澳深度合作区建设为突破口,抓制度供给重点、补内生性需求不足短板、强知识密集型中间投入品产业,最终以自身成就发挥示范与引领作用,推动全国“双循环”新发展格局的构建。Abstract: It is the latest requirement of the "Report to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China" that we should enhance the endogenous power and reliability of the domestic circulation and improve the quality and level of the international circulation. The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area has become an important hub for the new "dual circulation" development pattern, which is not only a strategic requirement for national development in the new era, but also a major historical task to be undertaken by the Greater Bay Area. On the one hand, the establishment of the demonstration status of the Greater Bay Area stems from the diversified social system, good economic foundation and location advantages of connecting China and foreign countries in the Greater Bay Area; on the other hand, the empirical analysis of the circulation inside and outside the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and its radiation effect also shows that the Greater Bay Area can play a demonstration and leading role in the new "dual circulation" development pattern in an all-round way. To fulfill this historic task, the Greater Bay Area should reshape the new momentum of development, rebuild competition rules, reconstruct the role of the government and the market, and optimize the economic circulation mechanism. We should comprehensively deepen the construction of the Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone and the Guangdong-Macao In-depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin as a breakthrough, grasp the key points of institutional supply, make up for the shortcomings of endogenous demand, strengthen the knowledge-intensive intermediate input industry, and finally promote the construction of a new "dual circulation" development pattern in the country with its own achievements.
表 1 循环类型及其对应的环节与衡量指标
循环类型 循环环节 衡量指标 国内大循环 生产环节 地方生产总值(GDP) 分配环节 可支配收入总额(TDI) 流通环节 全社会消费品零售总额(TRS) 消费环节 消费支出总额(TC) 国际循环 资本交互 国际直接投资存量(FDI) 对外直接投资存量(OFDI) 商品贸易 进口总额(TI) 出口总额(TE) 表 2 熵值法及耦合法测度下的循环水平评判标准
熵值强度 弱 中 强 熵值区间 0.000~0.300 0.301~0.700 0.701~1.000 耦合等级 失和区 适应区 耦合区 耦合区间 0.000~0.300 0.301~0.700 0.701~1.000 表 3 粤港澳大湾区区域内外循环测度结果
年份 区域内循环水平 内循环强度 内循环排序 区域外循环水平 外循环强度 外循环排序 区域内外双循环耦合度 耦合度等级 耦合度排序 2010 0.010 0 弱循环 1 0.000 9 弱循环 1 0.054 9 失和区 1 2011 0.156 7 弱循环 2 0.060 4 弱循环 2 0.311 9 适应区 2 2012 0.257 4 弱循环 3 0.152 5 弱循环 3 0.445 1 适应区 3 2013 0.373 2 中循环 4 0.234 2 弱循环 4 0.543 7 适应区 4 2014 0.483 8 中循环 5 0.311 0 中循环 5 0.622 8 适应区 5 2015 0.576 3 中循环 6 0.356 1 中循环 6 0.673 1 适应区 6 2016 0.674 4 中循环 7 0.483 3 中循环 7 0.755 6 耦合区 7 2017 0.813 2 强循环 9 0.914 6 强循环 11 0.928 7 耦合区 9 2018 0.935 4 强循环 10 0.899 8 强循环 10 0.957 8 耦合区 10 2019 1.000 0 强循环 11 0.895 7 强循环 9 0.972 8 耦合区 11 2020 0.777 4 强循环 8 0.873 3 强循环 8 0.907 7 耦合区 8 表 4 珠三角对港澳地区的输入效应及输出效应
% 年份 输出效应 输入效应 珠三角对香港的出口额占珠三角产出之比 珠三角对澳门的出口额占珠三角产出之比 珠三角对港澳的出口额占珠三角产出之比 珠三角对香港的进口额占珠三角产出之比 珠三角对澳门的进口额占珠三角产出之比 珠三角对港澳的进口额占珠三角产出之比 2010 22.511 6 0.880 2 23.391 8 0.222 6 0.016 2 0.2388 2011 22.763 7 0.756 2 23.519 9 0.199 2 0.016 6 0.215 8 2012 24.356 2 0.851 3 25.207 5 0.182 5 0.025 9 0.208 4 2013 25.981 8 0.651 3 26.633 2 0.174 7 0.037 2 0.211 9 2014 20.667 6 0.527 6 21.195 2 0.186 0 0.017 0 0.203 0 2015 17.098 1 0.385 4 17.483 5 0.180 3 0.013 4 0.193 7 2016 14.669 4 0.341 6 15.011 0 0.157 1 0.009 4 0.166 5 2017 12.382 3 0.309 9 12.692 2 0.104 9 0.017 5 0.122 3 2018 11.457 2 0.224 6 11.681 7 0.108 0 0.016 0 0.124 0 2019 9.993 2 0.191 0 10.184 3 0.109 9 0.011 8 0.121 7 2020 8.885 2 0.176 0 9.061 2 0.093 8 0.011 7 0.105 5 表 5 粤港澳大湾区对中国内地的辐射效应
年份 生产环节
(TE)2010 2 062.11 795.25 710.81 521.00 1 013.57 886.86 428.21 1 498.40 2011 2 389.51 909.71 832.65 597.39 1139.92 1 015.60 493.26 1 543.48 2012 2 617.21 1 004.15 941.22 659.42 1 194.36 1 053.61 583.26 1 757.08 2013 2 933.41 1 103.03 1 068.86 721.95 1 273.13 1 125.03 661.10 1923.49 2014 3 183.70 1 207.00 1 199.53 787.78 1 323.18 1 117.63 838.19 2117.43 2015 3 465.98 1 290.54 1 325.43 857.11 1 329.70 1 011.66 1 008.50 2 512.74 2016 3 811.74 1 396.68 1 467.07 924.90 1 415.94 1 191.13 1 249.81 3 032.63 2017 4 246.78 1 548.54 1 632.34 1 011.32 1 567.48 1 364.05 1 652.14 4 616.61 2018 4 646.59 1 694.60 1 755.22 1 112.47 1 673.79 1 527.24 1 700.73 4 969.44 2019 5 104.34 1 812.63 1 899.45 1 195.59 1 760.08 1544.40 1 815.31 5 563.58 2020 5 632.12 1 827.54 1 936.91 1 161.72 1 967.93 1 643.29 2 032.15 7 794.76 -
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