Is there Inertia Development in the Impact of Innovation Drive on Economic Growth? Take 44 Countries as Examples
摘要: 创新驱动发展是当今具有世界意义的命题。基于1993—2018年44个国家的数据、利用面板VAR模型实证检验创新驱动与经济增长的互动关系,并对比分析劳动力驱动、投资驱动对经济增长的影响与创新驱动对经济增长影响的差别。研究发现:在世界范围内,创新驱动尚不具有惯性发展特性,创新驱动与经济增长之间不具有Granger因果关系,但两者间存在短期的互动影响效应;劳动力驱动与经济增长之间具有双向Granger因果关系,投资驱动与经济增长之间具有单向Granger因果关系,创新驱动与经济增长之间的短期互动贡献率远弱于劳动力驱动、投资驱动与经济增长之间的互动贡献率。这一结论对我国坚定创新驱动发展战略、积极构建创新与经济增长之间的正向互动关系具有重要现实意义。Abstract: Innovation-driven development is a subject all over the world.Based on the data of 44 countries from 1993 to 2018, the panel VAR model is used to empirically test the interaction between innovation drive and economic growth, and to compare and analyze the difference between the impact of labor drive and investment drive on economic growth and the impact of innovation drive on economic growth.It is found that in the world, innovation drive is not characterized with inertial development, and there is no Granger causality between innovation drive and economic growth, but the two have short-term interactive effects; there is a two-way Granger between labor drive and economic growth causality, and a one-way Granger causality between investment drive and economic growth; the short-term interaction contribution rate between innovation drive and economic growth is far weaker than the interaction contribution rate between labor drive, investment drive and economic growth. The findings are of practically significance in the implementation of China's firm innovation-driven development strategy and the active construction of a positive interactive relationship between innovation and economic growth.
Key words:
- economic growth /
- innovation drive /
- labor drive /
- investment drive /
- world economy /
- economic development
表 1 变量单位根检验
变量 LLC检验 IPS检验 ADF检验 PP检验 lnpat -7.060 3*** (0.000 0) -5.910 9*** (0.000 0) 147.264 7*** (0.000 1) 154.672 9*** (0.000 0) lab -3.462 9*** (0.000 3) -1.862 9** (0.031 2) 119.168 5** (0.015 1) 65.213 4 (0.967 2) inv -3.037 8*** (0.001 2) -3.682 3*** (0.000 1) 101.324 9 (0.156 9) 110.978 2** (0.049 5) pgdp -11.034 7*** (0.000 0) -11.506 2*** (0.000 0) 128.353 1*** (0.003 3) 370.661 2*** (0.000 0) △lnpat -22.519 1*** (0.000 0) -23.829 9*** (0.000 0) 268.515 4*** (0.000 0) 945.917 7*** (0.000 0) △lab -10.561 6*** (0.000 0) -11.279 3*** (0.000 0) 211.002 1*** (0.000 0) 393.751 6*** (0.000 0) △inv -18.605 1*** (0.000 0) -18.319 7*** (0.000 0) 218.019 9*** (0.000 0) 675.637 5*** (0.000 0) △pgdp -24.978 9*** (0.000 0) -29.774 5*** (0.000 0) 332.705 0*** (0.000 0) 1 720.236 0*** (0.000 0) 注: *、**、***分别表示在10%、5%、1%的显著性水平下拒绝原假设;检验形式为同时包含截距(c)和趋势(t);括号内数据为p值。 表 2 AIC、BIC与HQIC准则检验结果
Lag AIC BIC HQIC 1 12.684 6 13.618 13.039 1 2 12.548 5* 13.596* 12.947 2* 注:*代表各准则对应的最优期数选择。 表 3 面板VAR模型的GMM估计结果
解释变量 被解释变量 h_dlnpat h_dlab h_dinv h_dpgdp L1.h_dlnpat -0.053 (0.294) 0.016 (0.861) -0.014 (0.957) 0.201 (0.537) L1.h_dlab -0.012 (0.376) 0.281*** (0.000) 0.164 (0.129) -0.221(0.156) L1.h_dinv 0.019*** (0.002) 0.015 (0.400) -0.023 (0.782) -0.102 (0.347) L1.h_dpgdp -0.005 (0.162) 0.042*** (0.002) 0.093 (0.130) 0.440***(0.000) L2.h_dlnpat -0.028 (0.548) -0.020 (0.816) -0.412* (0.083) -0.040 (0.880) L2.h_dlab 0.006 (0.673) 0.080** (0.036) -0.095 (0.266) -0.448*** (0.001) L2.h_dinv 0.007 (0.246) -0.010 (0.589) -0.007 (0.925) -0.240***(0.002) L2.h_dpgdp 0.001 (0.848) 0.007 (0.562) 0.028 (0.319) -0.148*** (0.001) 注: *、**、***分别表示10%、5%、1%的显著性水平;h_表示已经过Helmert转换的变量;L1.h_表示滞后1期,L2.h_表示滞后2期。 表 4 面板VAR模型Granger因果检验结果
Granger检验原假设 Chi2 P-value 检验结果 专利授权量不是经济增长的Granger原因 0.439 39 0.803 接受 劳动参与率不是经济增长的Granger原因 16.388 0.000*** 拒绝 投资率不是经济增长的Granger原因 16.677 0.000*** 拒绝 经济增长不是专利授权量的Granger原因 2.595 6 0.273 接受 劳动参与率不是专利授权量的Granger原因 0.829 46 0.661 接受 投资率不是专利授权量的Granger原因 10.238 0.006*** 拒绝 专利授权量不是劳动参与率的Granger原因 0.117 0.943 接受 经济增长不是劳动参与率的Granger原因 10.215 0.006*** 拒绝 投资率不是劳动参与率的Granger原因 1.765 0.414 接受 专利授权量不是投资率的Granger原因 3.065 0.216 接受 经济增长不是投资率的Granger原因 2.314 1 0.314 接受 劳动参与率不是投资率的Granger原因 2.883 2 0.237 接受 注:***、**、*分别表示在10%、5%、1%的显著性水平下拒绝原假设。 表 5 面板VAR模型的方差分解结果
变量 期数 dlnpat dlab dinv dpgdp 1 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2 0.989 0.000 0.010 0.002 dlnpat 3 0.983 0.002 0.012 0.003 4 0.983 0.002 0.012 0.003 5 0.983 0.002 0.012 0.003 1 0.001 0.999 0.000 0.000 2 0.001 0.978 0.007 0.014 dlab 3 0.001 0.977 0.008 0.014 4 0.001 0.977 0.008 0.014 5 0.001 0.977 0.008 0.014 1 0.000 0.102 0.898 0.000 2 0.000 0.109 0.879 0.012 dinv 3 0.003 0.110 0.875 0.012 4 0.003 0.111 0.874 0.012 5 0.003 0.111 0.874 0.012 1 0.000 0.093 0.142 0.764 2 0.001 0.114 0.158 0.727 dpgdp 3 0.001 0.130 0.165 0.704 4 0.001 0.130 0.168 0.700 5 0.001 0.130 0.168 0.700 -
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