Government Intervention, Economic Agglomeration and Urban-rural Income Gap
摘要: 中国城乡收入差距的演变与经济集聚和政府干预的现实背景相关。以政府干预为中介变量, 系统分析企业、产业和区域三个层面的经济集聚对城乡收入差距的影响机制, 首先提出待检验的研究假说, 进而运用中国省际面板数据并设定空间杜宾模型进行实证检验和分析。研究结果表明: 市场机制主导的经济集聚与城乡收入差距之间存在显著的负向关联; 企业、产业和区域三个层面的经济集聚有利于缩小城乡收入差距; 政府干预下的经济集聚会扩大城乡收入差距, 且稳健性及内生性检验均支持这一结论。研究还表明: 非农就业、农业技术进步和农民人力资本投资分别在企业集聚、产业集聚和城镇化影响城乡收入差距中起到了中介作用; 政府干预下的非农就业、技术进步和农民人力资本投资在经济集聚影响城乡收入差距中不能发挥中介作用。Abstract: The evolution of urban-rural income gap in China is related to the realistic background of economic agglomeration and government intervention. Taking government intervention as an intermediary variable, this paper systematically analyzes the impact mechanism of economic agglomeration on the income gap between urban and rural areas at the three levels of enterprise, industry and region. Research hypothesis is put forth and the spatial Doberman model is constructed for empirical test and analysis with Chinese provincial panel data. The results show that there is a significant negative correlation between the market-oriented economic agglomeration and the income gap between urban and rural areas; the economic agglomeration at the three levels of enterprise, industry and region is conducive to reducing the income gap between urban and rural areas; the economic agglomeration under the government intervention expands the income gap between urban and rural areas, and the robustness and endogenous test support this conclusion. It is further found that non-agricultural employment, technical progress and farmers' human capital investment play an intermediary role in the impact of enterprise agglomeration, industrial agglomeration and urbanization on the urban-rural income gap; non-agricultural employment, technology progress and human capital investment to farmers under government intervention cannot play an intermediary role in the impact of economic agglomeration on the urban-rural income gap.
表 1 变量属性及稳定性检验
变量 预期作用 最大值 最小值 平均值 HT检验 statistics p-值 Y 4.758 1.845 2.912 0.491 0.000 MP - 1.594 0.032 0.445 0.326 0.000 LQ - 3.252 0.171 0.981 0.558 0.000 UR - 0.896 0.232 0.491 0.294 0.000 DS + 8.614 0.0001 1.936 0.361 0.000 State +/- 0.702 0.114 0.351 0.765 0.000 Gov + 0.626 0.046 0.197 0.501 0.000 Open + 2.727 0.004 0.174 0.327 0.000 表 2 城乡收入差距的全域莫兰指数I
年份 Moran's I Z-值 P-值 年份 Moran's I Z-值 P-值 2000 0.434 3.919 0.000 2009 0.490 4.349 0.000 2001 0.454 4.067 0.000 2010 0.491 4.352 0.000 2002 0.504 4.486 0.000 2011 0.464 4.129 0.000 2003 0.472 4.210 0.000 2012 0.469 4.180 0.000 2004 0.438 3.966 0.000 2013 0.465 4.148 0.000 2005 0.452 4.061 0.000 2014 0.333 3.082 0.001 2006 0.481 13.18 0.000 2015 0.332 2.992 0.001 2007 0.495 4.411 0.000 2016 0.325 3.015 0.001 2008 0.485 4.323 0.000 - - - - 表 3 经济集聚与城乡收入差距
变量 FE (1) FE (2) W1 W2 W3 W1 W2 W3 MP -0.077***
(-3.13)LQ -0.152***
(-3.13)UR -0.984***
(-5.85)State - - - 1.539***
(5.68)Gov - - - 1.300***
(4.68)Open - - - 0.134*
(1.77)Adj-R2 0.83 0.82 0.82 0.83 0.82 0.78 L-log -227.02 -270.51 -286.56 -151.26 -182.26 -223.72 F-test 454.98*** 416.72*** 423.43*** 224.09*** 212.32*** 171.35*** Rho 0.034*** 0.198*** 0.045*** 0.041*** 0.174*** 0.032*** 注:*、**、***分别表示10%、5%、1%的显著性水平,括号内为t值。表 4~表 7同。 表 4 政府干预、经济集聚与城乡收入差距
变量 FE(3) FE(4) FE(5) W1 W2 W3 W1 W2 W3 W1 W2 W3 MP -0.585***
(-2.41)LQ -0.086**
(-3.12)UR -1.110***
(-8.40)State 1.439***
(4.35)Gov 1.404***
(4.88)Open 0.083*
(1.93)DS×MP 0.184***
(3.38)- - - - - - DS×LQ - - - 0.112***
(4.97)- - - DS×UR - - - - - - 0.249***
(6.72)Adj-R2 0.83 0.80 0.78 0.84 0.81 0.78 0.84 0.80 0.77 L-log -130.78 -172.21 -218.07 -117.50 -166.19 -210.46 -100.33 -154.00 -201.38 F-test 195.04*** 163.21*** 139.66*** 210.99*** 173.11*** 138.83*** 213.12*** 166.44*** 137.02*** Rho 0.038*** 0.145*** 0.089*** 0.037*** 0.241*** 0.087*** 0.037*** 0.156*** 0.053*** 表 5 内生性实证结果
变量 FE(6) FE(7) FE(8) W1 W2 W3 W1 W2 W3 W1 W2 W3 W×MP -0.673***
(-1.74)W×LQ -0.039**
(-2.55)W×UR -0.439***
(-5.50)State 1.542***
(4.40)Gov 1.939***
(3.86)Open 0.112
(1.53)W×DS×MP 0.224***
(3.45)- - - - - - W×DS×LQ - - - 0.103***
(4.57)- - - W×DS×UR - - - - - - 0.234***
(5.92)Adj-R2 0.67 0.73 0.69 0.63 0.59 0.62 0.73 0.72 0.70 L-log -185.07 -213.94 -207.08 -141.83 -218.65 -257.34 -156.10 -194.61 -216.57 F-test 79.77*** 112.34*** 136.67*** 92.88*** 114.49*** 112.64*** 90.97*** 117.85*** 129.17*** Rho 0.025*** 0.114*** 0.046*** 0.038*** 0.243*** 0.073*** 0.046*** 0.164*** 0.067*** 表 6 经济集聚对城乡收入差距的机制检验
变量 非农就业 变量 农业技术进步 变量 农民人力资本投资 模型
(10)MP -0.286**
(-1.12)LQ -0.288***
(-2.17)UR -1.613***
(-9.85)Job - - -2.233***
(-11.93)Tech - - -0.337***
(-11.92)Edu - - -1.371**
(-2.12)控制变量 是 是 是 控制变量 是 是 是 控制变量 是 是 是 Adj-R2 0.45 0.66 0.62 Adj-R2 0.51 0.59 0.64 Adj-R2 0.57 0.50 0.59 是否存在中介效应 是 是 是 中介效应大小 0.107 0.093 0.026 L-log 277.06 525.85 199.96 L-log 262.03 441.93 184.76 L-log 234.67 1189.45 225.74 F-test 244.49 701.34*** 208.27*** F-test 61.95*** 91.92*** 87.21*** F-test 82.50*** 61.42*** 73.15*** 表 7 政府干预对经济集聚机制作用的实证结果
变量 非农就业 变量 农业技术进步 变量 农民人力资本投资 MP 0.038**
(-2.37)LQ 0.089*
(1.78)UR 0.017**
(2.34)DS×MP -0.013*
(-1.72)DS×LQ -0.077**
(-2.29)DS×UR -0.012
(-1.08)控制变量 是 控制变量 是 控制变量 是 Adj-R2 0.65 Adj-R2 0.72 Adj-R2 0.60 L-log 528.43 L-log 437.24 L-log 119.85 F-test 96.17*** F-test 143.61*** F-test 75.97*** -
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