Government Regulation Analysis in Smart Product Supply Chains under Cybersecurity Risks
摘要: 随着物联网技术的广泛应用与智能产品的普及,网络安全及用户数据隐私问题引发社会广泛关注,而政府能否采取合适的监管策略对于降低网络安全风险至关重要。针对由制造商和电子零售平台组成的智能产品供应链,建立博弈模型分析网络安全风险下政府监管的策略选择及其对企业和消费者的影响。研究发现,补贴政策下的网络防御水平仅在补贴比率较高的情况下才会高于处罚政策下的防御水平;处罚政策和补贴政策均有利于制造商、平台和消费者,其实现的条件由边际信息价值和单位罚款两个因素决定,当边际信息价值和单位罚款均较大时,政府应采取处罚政策,反之则采取补贴政策,并且高额的罚款或补贴均有利于增进社会福利。政府在选择监管策略时应综合考虑各方面的影响因素,以促进智能产品供应链的健康发展和网络安全水平的提升。Abstract: With the widespread application of the Internet of Things (IoT) technology and the popularity of smart products, issues related to cybersecurity and user data privacy have garnered widespread societal attention, making it crucial for governments to adopt appropriate regulatory strategies to mitigate cybersecurity risks. This paper considers a smart product supply chain composed of a manufacturer and an e-tailing platform. A game-theoretic model was employed to investigate the government's regulatory strategies (punishing or subsidizing) and its impact on firms and consumers under cybersecurity risks. The findings indicate that the cyber defense level under the subsidizing policy is higher than that under the punishing policy only when the subsidy ratio is significantly high; both punishing and subsidizing policies can achieve an all-win situation for the manufacturer, the platform, and consumers, contingent on two parameters: the marginal information value and the unit penalty; moreover, the government should choose the punishing policy when both the marginal information value and the unit penalty are high, and choose the subsidizing policy when either the marginal information value or the unit penalty is low. It is found that both high penalties and subsidies are beneficial to societal welfare. This research provides a theoretical basis and policy implications for government regulation, emphasizing the need to consider various influencing factors when choosing regulatory strategies to foster the healthy development of the smart product supply chain and enhance cybersecurity levels.
Key words:
- IoT technology /
- smart product /
- cybersecurity /
- government regulation /
- supply chain management
表 1 模型参数及含义
参数 含义 v 消费者对智能产品的支付意愿 γ 交叉销售中的边际信息价值 φ 平台遭受网络攻击的概率 d 平台网络防御水平 f 当平台未能抵御网络攻击时政府对平台施加的单位处罚 λ 政府在网络安全上的补贴比率 w 智能产品的单位批发价格 p 智能产品的单位零售价格 D 智能产品的销售量 π_M 制造商的利润 π_R 电子零售平台的利润 CS 消费者剩余 SW 社会福利 -
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