On the Expansion Root of Local Government Debt Scale From the Perspective of Tax Competition
摘要: 中国地方政府债务规模扩张在地区间呈现出空间联动特征,而财政分权与政治晋升锦标赛激励下的税收竞争又成为地方政府举债的内生动力。基于2014年新《预算法》颁布的政策背景,将地方政府债务区分为纳入预算管理的显性债务和具有政府担保属性的隐性债务(城投债),构建债务空间相关模型和税收竞争影响模型,分别探究两种政府债务规模扩张的空间相关性及其来自税收竞争的异质性影响。研究发现:政府显性债务和隐性担保债务的规模扩张均呈现出显著的地区间空间联动特征,其中隐性债务规模扩张的空间相关性更显著且程度更高;税收竞争显著刺激地方政府举债的积极性,而隐性债务规模增长更快,对于税收竞争策略的弹性系数更高;地区经济发展水平的提高有利于缓解税收竞争对政府举债的刺激作用,经济欠发达地区更容易“为竞争而举债”;2014年一系列政府举债规范政策的实施显著缓解了地区间债务规模扩张的空间联动性,同时提高了隐性债务对税收竞争反应的敏感度。这说明在地方政府显性债务纳入预算管理后,面临税收竞争带来的财政压力,地方政府更倾向于为投融资平台提供隐性担保以寻求债务资源,从而激发了隐性债务规模的快速扩张。基于此,应从全局视域下防范化解地方政府债务风险,完善和优化地方政府政绩评价体系,兼顾地方政府显性债务和隐性债务,尽快实现融资平台公司的市场化转型。Abstract: The scale expansion of local government debt in China presents the characteristics of spatial linkage, and the tax competition stimulated by fiscal decentralization and political promotion tournament has become the endogenous driving force of local government borrowing. Under the background of the promulgation of the new Budget Law in 2014, dividing local government debt into government debt that is included in budget management and implicit government debt (urban investment debt), this paper builds a debt spatial correlation model and a tax competition influence model, and explores the spatial correlation of the scale expansion of the two kinds of government debt and their heterogeneity characteristics influenced by tax competition. It is found that the scale expansion of government bonds and urban investment bonds is characterized with significant spatial linkage growth, but the spatial correlation of urban investment bonds is more significant; tax competition has significantly stimulated the expansion of government debt scale, with the scale of urban investment bonds growing faster and the response coefficient higher; the improvement of economic development level is conducive to alleviating the stimulating effect of tax competition on debt growth, while economically underdeveloped areas are more likely to "get into debt due to competition". The implementation of the series of debt regulation policies in 2014 reduced the spatial linkage of regional debt scale expansion, but increased the elasticity coefficient of urban investment bonds to tax competition. When the local government debt brought into budget management is constantly regulated, and faced with the financial pressure brought by tax competition, local governments may tend to seek debt resources from more hidden investment and financing platforms, which has stimulated the rapid expansion of urban investment bonds. After replacing the measurement method of tax competition proxy variables, the above conclusions are still robust. This study suggests that local government debt risks should be prevented and resolved from a global perspective; the performance evaluation system of local governments should be improved and optimized, and explicit and implicit debts of local governments should be considered to realize the market-oriented transformation of financing platform companies as soon as possible.
Key words:
- government bond /
- implicit debt /
- urban investment bond /
- tax competition /
- New Budget Law /
- debt scale /
- local government
表 1 政府显性债务为被解释变量的回归模型估计结果
变量 债务空间相关模型 税收竞争影响模型 空间地理权重 空间经济权重 空间地理权重 空间经济权重 政府显性债务的一阶滞后 2.144*** (14.92) 2.158*** (17.41) 2.289*** (17.49) 2.247*** (15.56) 政府显性债务的空间滞后 0.167*** (10.91) 0.446*** (7.27) 0.172*** (11.86) 0.491*** (8.47) 税收竞争强度 161.543 (1.61) 216.407* (1.88) 税收竞争×经济发展 -15.857* (-1.73) -20.919** (-1.98) 控制变量 控制 控制 控制 控制 常数项 是 是 是 是 Adj.R2 0.778 0.799 0.783 0.794 F-test 83.39*** 94.33*** 61.57*** 65.83*** 空间效应检验 Moran=0.927***
LM=18.650**面板模型选择诊断标准 AIC=5.552
SC=5.856样本量 120 120 120 120 注:*、**、***分别表示通过了10%、5%和1%的显著性检验, 括号内为t值。下表同。 表 2 以政府隐性债务(城投债)为被解释变量的模型估计结果
变量 债务空间相关模型 税收竞争影响模型 空间地理权重 空间经济权重 空间地理权重 空间经济权重 隐性债务(城投债)的一阶滞后 1.639*** (21.44) 1.699*** (26.95) 1.717*** (20.64) 1.752*** (25.69) 隐性债务(城投债)的空间滞后 0.138*** (10.64) 0.323*** (6.01) 0.144*** (11.24) 0.353*** (6.59) 税收竞争强度 70.264*** (4.64) 65.764*** (3.91) 税收竞争×经济发展 -6.719*** (-4.71) -6.262*** (-3.95) 控制变量 控制 控制 控制 控制 常数项 是 是 是 是 Adj.R2 0.850 0.850 0.847 0.842 F-test 373.36*** 373.28*** 259.31*** 251.31*** 空间效应检验 Moran=0.972***
LM=87.119***面板模型选择诊断标准 AIC=3.457
SC=3.594样本量 330 330 330 330 表 3 引入政策效应后的模型回归结果
变量 债务空间相关模型 税收竞争影响模型 空间地理权重 空间经济权重 空间地理权重 空间经济权重 隐性债务(城投债)规模的一阶滞后 1.629*** (21.99) 1.672*** (27.94) 1.651*** (21.18) 1.583*** (24.45) 隐性债务(城投债)规模的空间滞后 0.130***(8.33) 0.283***(4.4) 0.152*** (9.61) 0.407***(6.49) 隐性债务(城投债)规模的空间滞后×政策实施 0.008(0.97) 0.050(1.29) -0.030** (-2.02) -0.152*** (-2.61) 税收竞争强度 80.431***(5.22) 78.736***(4.73) 税收竞争×经济发展 -7.809*** (-5.35) -7.682***(-4.89) 税收竞争×政策实施 1.454***(2.94) 1.953***(4.37) 控制变量 控制 控制 控制 控制 常数项 是 是 是 是 Adj.R2 0.848 0.846 0.845 0.837 F-test 304.96*** 301.99*** 198.78*** 187.66*** 空间效应检验 Moran=0.975***
LM=5.157***面板模型选择诊断标准 AIC=3.467
SC=3.454样本量 330 330 330 330 表 4 稳健性检验结果
变量 政府显性债务 政府隐性债务(城投债) 城投债的政策效应检验 空间地理权重 空间经济权重 空间地理权重 空间经济权重 空间地理权重 空间经济权重 债务规模的一阶滞后 2.168***
(24.5)债务规模的空间滞后 0.169***
(6.18)债务规模的空间滞后×政策实施 -0.021
(-2.3)税收竞争强度 47.255
(2.94)税收竞争×经济发展 -4.431
(-3.07)税收竞争×政策实施 0.489**
(3.99)控制变量 控制 控制 控制 控制 控制 控制 常数项 是 是 是 是 是 是 Adj.R2 0.772 0.791 0.843 0.841 0.841 0.838 F-test 58.03*** 64.50*** 251.96*** 249.42*** 193.84*** 189.49*** 空间效应检验 Moran=0.924***
LM=5.998**面板模型选择诊断标准 AIC=5.623
SC=3.299样本量 120 120 330 330 330 330 -
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