Algorithmic Collusion: The Determination of Boundary and Its Regulation of Antitrust Laws
摘要: 市场主体通过算法利用市场透明度使共谋不受市场集中度的限制, 突破传统共谋的形式而达成新型算法共谋, 破坏市场竞争秩序, 因此有必要通过反垄断法对算法共谋实施规制。在反垄断法规制算法共谋边界的确立上, 可以将算法共谋类型化为信使类共谋、轴辐类共谋、预测类共谋、自主类共谋, 探寻其中真实主观意图以及是否存在垄断协议来准确认定算法共谋。在具体实施方案的选择上, 反垄断执法机关应秉持谦抑执法理念, 将算法实施者作为算法共谋的责任主体, 通过有限公开算法、采用监管科技等具体措施, 对算法共谋实施合理的反垄断法规制。Abstract: Market subjects make use of market transparency and algorithm to make collusion not restricted by market concentration, which breaks through the traditional form of collusion to achieve new algorithm collusion and destroy the order of market competition, so it is necessary to regulate algorithm collusion through anti-monopoly law. On the establishment of the collusion boundary of the anti-monopoly law, the collusion types of the algorithm can be classified into messenger collusion, axial and radial collusion, prediction collusion and independent collusion, and the real subjective intention and the existence of monopoly agreement can be explored to accurately identify the collusion of the algorithm. In terms of the selection of specific implementation plan, the anti-monopoly law enforcement agencies should adhere to the principle of modest law enforcement, take the algorithm implementer as the main body of responsibility for algorithm collusion, and implement reasonable anti-monopoly regulations on algorithm collusion through specific measures such as limited disclosure of algorithm and regulatory technology.
Key words:
- algorithm /
- algorithmic collusion /
- algorithm regulation /
- modesty /
- anti-monopoly law /
- boundary
表 1 域外算法共谋案件一览表
编号 时间 国别/地区 案件 1 2015 美国 U.S. v. Daniel William Aston and Trod Limited 2 2015 美国 Spencer Meyer v. Uber 3 2015 美国 AirLine Tariff Publishing 4 2016 美国 U.S. v. Topkins 5 2018 欧盟 ECJ’s Judgment in Case C-74/14, Eturas 6 2018 欧盟 Case AT.40465-ASUS 7 2018 欧盟 Case AT.40182-Pioneer 8 2018 欧盟 Case AT.40181-Philips 9 2018 欧盟 Case AT.40469-DENON & MARANTZ 10 2019 美国 U.S. v. G Nova Corporation 11 2019 美国 U.S. v. Thales S.A. and Gemalto N.V. 12 2019 美国 National Fair Housing Alliance v. Facebook, Inc. (S.D.N.Y.) 表 2 算法共谋形式
个, % 共谋形式 数量 百分比 有效百分比 累计百分比 信使类共谋 7 58.3 58.3 58.3 轴辐类共谋 4 33.3 33.3 91.7 预测类共谋 1 8.3 8.3 100.0 自主类共谋 0 0 0 100.0 总计 12 100.0 100.0 -
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