Research on Financial Characteristics and Judicial Precedents of Non-fungible Tokens
摘要: 非同质化通证(NFT)作为区块链技术的深化应用,不仅通过技术保障了用户之间的信任效益和数据权利,同时亦构建了区别于传统金融资产的价值体系。以NFT为代表的加密资产在全球市场的业务开展与交易数据不断扩增,全球数字经济与金融治理格局也处在重塑阶段,但域内外对于NFT属性并未作出一致的认定。通过识别NFT与传统金融资产在定价机制、交易模式、风险性等方面的区别,从全球范围内的司法裁判中考察其属性认定在加密资产与金融化之间转换的可能性,指出对于NFT属性的认定需从资产特性、平台模式、持有者要素以及区别于传统金融资产案件认定规则的司法建议等方面加以考虑。Abstract: As the deepening application of blockchain technology, NFT (non-fungible token) not only guarantees the trust benefit and data rights between users through technology, but also builds a value system different from traditional financial assets. The business development and transaction data of crypto assets represented by NFT in the global market continue to expand, and the global digital economy and financial governance pattern is also in the process of reshaping. However, the attributes of NFT have not been unanimously recognized within and outside the domain. By identifying the differences between NFT and traditional financial assets in pricing mechanism, transaction mode, risk and other aspects, and examining the possibility of the conversion of attribute identification between crypto assets and financialization from the global judicial judgment, it is pointed out that the identification of NFT attributes should be considered from the aspects of asset characteristics, platform mode, holder elements, and judicial suggestions that are different from identification rules for traditional financial assets case.
Key words:
- NFT /
- digital finance /
- financial justice /
- crypto asset /
- securitization
表 1 NFT与传统金融资产的区别
NFT 传统金融资产 发行机制 不存在特定的发行主体,由各个区块链技术平台开发,系统根据智能协议与挖矿难度形成
一般通过机构承销。用户在持有与交易时需依托交易所、中介机构等平台,数据由上述机构存储,信息记录中心化投资收益 可对应多种现实资产或凭证,具备独特性或唯一性特质,导致投资价值波动较大,收益性取决于区块链社区或网络中的主体共识 以资产本身或者对应的现有价值、预期现金流作为价值基础,受市场资本变化影响,通过现有模型可预测 价格波动性 波动性较高 波动性较低,可预测 市场流动性 目前流动性较低,但在区块链技术支持下流动性有较大上升空间 流动性较高 交易模式 运用去中心化系统,发行、审核、支付等功能集中,尚未出现专门监管机构和稳定机构,平台或者用户履行大部分职能 完善的交易模式,发行、承销、审核、监管等机制成熟,信息披露机制成熟,稳定性强,市场交易变化可预期 法律监管 目前仍处于定性阶段,各国监管政策不一,多数国家开始探索 特定监管部门以及配套的监管法规 其他区别 在经济职能、会计处理、存储托管、风险控制等问题上仍有区别 -
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