Volume 34 Issue 2
May  2021
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SHAO Jian-bing, FAN Cun-jian. Does the Beauty Premium Effect Exist: Empirical Evidence from Executive's Excess Compensation[J]. Journal of Guangdong University of Finance & Economics, 2019, 34(2): 31-45.
Citation: SHAO Jian-bing, FAN Cun-jian. Does the Beauty Premium Effect Exist: Empirical Evidence from Executive's Excess Compensation[J]. Journal of Guangdong University of Finance & Economics, 2019, 34(2): 31-45.

Does the Beauty Premium Effect Exist: Empirical Evidence from Executive's Excess Compensation

  • Received Date: 2018-12-13
    Available Online: 2021-05-29
  • Publish Date: 2019-04-28
  • Taking the listed companies on the GEM of China from 2009 to 2016 as the research object, this paper empirically tests whether there is a beauty premium effect in the excess compensation of executives. The results indicates that there is a beauty premium effect in executive's excess compensation; when the general manager's appearance superior to that of the chairman, vertical executive's appearance has a negative moderating effect on the beauty premium of executive's excess compensation, on the contrary, it is not significant. This paper also validates the differences in the regulatory effect of the executive's vertical pair of appearance on chairperson's beauty premium effect according to the chairperson's appearance grouping, and there exists significant beauty premium effect of the executive's excess compensation in different enterprises, industries and regions. The findings provide an interesting perspective for the future research on executive's excess compensation.
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    通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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