Volume 36 Issue 4
Aug.  2021
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WAN Lu. Industrialization, Globalization and Spatial Pattern Evolution of Urban Agglomeration in China[J]. Journal of Guangdong University of Finance & Economics, 2021, 36(4): 17-28.
Citation: WAN Lu. Industrialization, Globalization and Spatial Pattern Evolution of Urban Agglomeration in China[J]. Journal of Guangdong University of Finance & Economics, 2021, 36(4): 17-28.

Industrialization, Globalization and Spatial Pattern Evolution of Urban Agglomeration in China

  • Received Date: 2021-06-22
    Available Online: 2021-08-04
  • Publish Date: 2021-07-18
  • To optimize the spatial pattern of urbanization in China, it needs to start with optimizing the spatial pattern of urban agglomerations in China. Mono-centric and polycentric spatial structure are the two basic forms of urban agglomerations. polycentric structure conforms to the regional development strategy of "large diffusion and small agglomeration" as the world trend advocated by the state. However, this does not mean that all urban agglomerations in China have the conditions to develop polycentric structure. Based on the analysis of the efficiency mechanism of urban agglomerations, this paper takes the industrialization as the basic driving force to promote the spatial evolution of urban agglomerations, and takes globalization, regional integration and administrative intervention as the other three important factors. It is found that the process of industrialization dominates the spatial pattern evolution of urban agglomerations, and its evolution trend is not unidirectional. Industrialization first promotes urban agglomeration to the Mono-centric, and then to the polycentric. Regional integration and opening to the outside world are not simply to promote or inhibit the polycentricity of urban agglomerations, but to play a role in response to the evolution trend of urban agglomerations. As a visible hand, urban administrative level significantly delays the transformation of urban agglomeration to polycentric structure in time. This research refutes the view that China's urban agglomerations have entered a polycentric era as a whole, and holds that different urban agglomerations should design appropriate forward-looking urban agglomeration development planning according to local economic development stage.
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    通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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