Volume 39 Issue 1
Jan.  2024
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KE Wei-lin, LU Chang-bao, XU Tao-ran. The Influence of Beliefs in Luck on the Willingness to Participate in Online Lottery Promotion: A Perspective on Probability and Value[J]. Journal of Guangdong University of Finance & Economics, 2024, 39(1): 114-128.
Citation: KE Wei-lin, LU Chang-bao, XU Tao-ran. The Influence of Beliefs in Luck on the Willingness to Participate in Online Lottery Promotion: A Perspective on Probability and Value[J]. Journal of Guangdong University of Finance & Economics, 2024, 39(1): 114-128.

The Influence of Beliefs in Luck on the Willingness to Participate in Online Lottery Promotion: A Perspective on Probability and Value

  • Received Date: 2023-10-23
    Available Online: 2024-01-30
  • Publish Date: 2024-01-28
  • Probability and prize value are two key dimensions that affect individuals' willingness to participate in a lottery. Based on these two dimensions, two types of "low-probability/high-value" and "high-probability/low-value" lottery combinations and three psychological experiments are designed to reveal the impact of probability or value, luck belief, and the number of failures on individuals' willingness to participate in online lottery promotions. The results demonstrate that: (ⅰ) compared to the "high-probability/low-value" lottery, people generally prefer the "low-probability/high-value" combinations, which verifies the fact that people overestimate the small probability in the online lottery decision-making process and elucidates the basic principle of people's enthusiasm for participating in "low-probability/high-value" online lottery activities; (ⅱ) the luck belief has a moderating effect on people's online lottery selection, showing that individuals with low luck belief prefer the "high-probability/low-value" online lottery, while those with high luck belief in luck individuals prefer the "low-probability/high-value" one; (ⅲ) the research on the phenomenon of continuing to participate in online lottery despite multiple failures found that there is an interactive effect between luck belief and probability/value at the initial participation. However, this interaction effect disappears after multiple failures. At this time, even individuals with high luck belief are no longer keen on participating in "low-probability/high-value" lottery after multiple attempts. These conclusions provide important implications for enterprises to carry out lottery promotion activities better, for consumers to make more rational lottery decisions, and the government to regulate lottery sales more effectively.
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