Volume 35 Issue 5
Apr.  2021
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ZOU Wen-chi, HU Dan, TANG Li-hua. The Impact Mechanism and Effectiveness of the Servant Leadership on Work-Family Facilitation[J]. Journal of Guangdong University of Finance & Economics, 2020, 35(5): 69-79+111.
Citation: ZOU Wen-chi, HU Dan, TANG Li-hua. The Impact Mechanism and Effectiveness of the Servant Leadership on Work-Family Facilitation[J]. Journal of Guangdong University of Finance & Economics, 2020, 35(5): 69-79+111.

The Impact Mechanism and Effectiveness of the Servant Leadership on Work-Family Facilitation

  • Received Date: 2020-05-18
    Available Online: 2021-04-29
  • Publish Date: 2020-10-28
  • Based on conservation resources theory, this study analyzed the impact of service leadership on work-family facilitation, and employed psychological safety and power distance orientation as the mediator to test the hypothesis. The research results demonstrate that servant leadership has significant positive impact on work-family facilitation through individual psychological security, but power distance orientation can adjust the effect. The specific performance is: for employees with higher level of power distance orientation, the positive effect of service-oriented leadership on their psychological security will be weakened, which weakens the service-oriented leadership on the positive effect of employees' work-family facilitation. On the contrary, for the employees with lower power distance orientation, the positive effect of service-oriented leadership on their psychological safety will be enhanced, thus enhancing the positive impact of service-oriented leadership on employees' work-family facilitation.
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