On the Influence of Responsible Leadership on Team Green Behavior and Its Mechanism: Based on the Affective Events Theory
摘要: 基于情感事件理论,探讨责任型领导与团队绿色行为关系的内在机制与边界条件,并运用珠三角地区制造企业53个工作团队的多来源、多时点调查数据进行实证分析。结果显示:责任型领导可以激发团队绿色行为;团队与自然相连性这一团队积极情感体验在责任型领导与团队绿色行为之间起正向传导作用;团队中庸价值观对责任型领导与团队与自然相连性关系起负向调节作用,团队道德反思性对团队与自然相连性与团队绿色行为关系起正向调节作用;当团队拥有弱中庸价值观和强道德反思性时,责任型领导通过团队与自然相连性正向影响团队绿色行为的间接效应最强。以上结论对企业管理者有效塑造责任型领导并运用之激发团队绿色行为的管理实践具有重要启示。Abstract: Based on the affective events theory, the paper investigates the internal mechanism and its boundary conditions between responsible leadership and team green behavior, makes an empirical analysis by using a multi-source and multi-wave investigation on 53 work teams from manufacturing companies in the Pearl River Delta. Statistical results demonstrate that responsible leadership promotes team green behavior; connectivity between team and nature, a kind of team positive affective experience, mediates the relationship between responsible leadership and team green behavior; the value of team Mean had a negative moderating effect on the relationship between responsible leadership and the connectivity between team and nature, and team moral reflectiveness had a positive moderating effect on the connectivity between team and nature and team green behavior; the indirect effect of responsible leadership on team green behavior is the most significant through connectivity between team and nature when the team has weak values of the Mean and strong moral reflectiveness. The aforesaid findings can provide important practical implications for improving the management practice of cultivating managers' responsible leadership and utilizing it to promote team green behavior in enterprises.
表 1 主要变量的均值、标准差和简单相关系数
变量 均值 标准差 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 团队规模 9.057 4.955 团队任期 1.549 0.969 -0.015 所属企业 0.943 0.233 0.169 0.269* 团队对公司社会责任感知 3.717 0.380 0.017 0.201 0.354*** (0.826) 责任型领导 3.522 0.545 -0.087 0.066 0.113 0.551*** (0.882) 团队与自然相连性 3.880 0.331 0.069 0.096 0.089 0.245* 0.488*** (0.867) 团队中庸价值观 3.828 0.346 0.000 -0.114 0.057 0.378*** 0.325** 0.376*** (0.895) 团队道德反思性 3.616 0.408 0.142 0.201 0.349** 0.403*** 0.449*** 0.574*** 0.194 (0.888) 团队绿色行为 3.717 0.632 -0.142 -0.042 0.150 0.080 0.371*** 0.403*** 0.170 0.266* (0.850) 注:* * *、* *和*分别表示在1%、5%和10%的水平上显著,表 2同;括号内的数字表示Cronbach α信度系数;N=53。 表 2 回归模型的非标准化系数估计值及其标准误
变量 模型1 模型2 模型3 模型4 模型5 团队绿色行为 团队与自然相连性 团队绿色行为 团队与自然相连性 团队绿色行为 常数 2.936(0.825)*** 2.842(0.420)*** 1.259(1.117) 0.051(0.494) 4.538(0.884)*** 控制变量 团队规模 -0.018(0.017) 0.008(0.009) -0.022(0.016) 0.008(0.008) -0.014(0.015) 团队任期 -0.058(0.088) 0.025(0.045) -0.073(0.086) 0.029(0.043) -0.206(0.088)** 所属企业 0.620(0.391) 0.020(0.199) 0.608(0.377) 0.025(0.184) 0.698(0.357)* 团队对企业社会责任感知 -0.399(0.277) -0.060(0.141) -0.364(0.268) -0.044(0.144) -0.318(0.246) 自变量 责任型领导 0.547(0.182)*** 0.321(0.093)*** 0.357(0.197)* 0.305(0.087)*** 0.297(0.182) 中介变量 团队与自然相连性 0.590(0.276)** 0.851(0.296)*** 调节变量 团队中庸价值观 0.176(0.133) 团队道德反思性 -0.071(0.244) 交互项 责任型领导×团队中庸价值观 -0.475(0.215)** 团队与自然相连性×团队道德反思性 1.912(0.567)*** R2 0.213 0.257 0.284 0.393 0.432 F 2.550** 3.256** 3.047** 4.165*** 4.174*** 注:括号中的数值代表标准误;对自变量、中介变量和调节变量的调节效应分析均进行了总平均数中心化处理;N=53。 -
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