Does Internet Third-party Payment Platform Become Monopoly: Based on the Measurement of Market Power
摘要: 企业市场势力是甄别垄断的重要指标,平台经济反垄断需要充分考虑厂商的市场势力。选取第三方支付作为研究对象,采用修正后的勒纳指数测算第三方支付平台厂商的市场势力,结果表明:支付宝、财付通等9家平台厂商均利用市场势力来提升其垄断能力,以期获得垄断地位,且主要是利用显性市场势力来提升其垄断能力。但市场份额与市场势力之间存在着背离,市场份额最高的两家厂商为支付宝和财付通,其市场势力却处于底端水平。因此,加强第三方支付等互联网平台经济的反垄断,需要同时考量平台厂商的市场份额与市场势力,将其作为反垄断的重要评判标准。Abstract: The market power of a company is an important indicator to identify monopoly. Anti-monopoly in platform economyis needed to fully consider the market power of platforms. This study selects third-party payment as the research object, and uses the revised Lerner Index to measure the market power of third-party payment market platforms. The results show that 9 platforms including Alipay and Tenpay all use the market power to enhance monopoly capability and obtain the monopoly position, which the dominant market power is mainly used to enhance the monopoly ability.However, there is a divergence between market share and market power. The two platforms with the highest market share are Alipay and Tenpay. The market power of these two platforms is at the bottom. Accordingly, market share and market power of platforms should be used as an important criterion for anti-monopoly of the internet platform economy such as third-party payment.
Key words:
- third-party payment /
- platform economy /
- platform manufacturer /
- market power /
- market share /
- Lerner Index /
- monopoly position /
- anti-monopoly /
- internet platform
表 1 第三方支付平台厂商市场势力测度结果
公司名称 显性市场势力 隐性市场势力 显性市场势力+ 隐性市场势力 市场份额(%) 支付宝(中国)网络技术有限公司 0.993 642 6 -0.001 321 0.992 321 6 54.2 财付通支付科技有限公司 1.002 717 0 -0.000 185 1.002 532 0 39.5 苏宁消费金融有限公司 1.025 880 6 0.005 933 1.031 813 6 0.2 京东数字科技控股股份有限公司 1.025 522 4 0.003 303 1.028 825 4 0.8 中国银联股份有限公司 1.025 701 5 -0.001 746 1.023 955 5 0.5 快钱支付清算信息有限公司 1.025 641 8 -0.000 045 1.025 596 8 0.6 联动优势电子商务有限公司 1.025 582 1 -0.001 327 1.024 255 1 0.7 拉卡拉支付股份有限公司 1.025 373 2 -0.000 294 1.025 079 2 1.0 通联支付网络服务股份有限公司 1.024 507 5 -0.000 147 1.024 360 5 2.5 注:市场份额数据来源于艾瑞咨询。 -
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