Coordination of Environmental Regulation, Technological Innovation and Upgrading of Industrial Structure in Urban Agglomerations: Based on the Empirical Analysis of 10 Urban Agglomerations in China
摘要: 基于中国十大城市群2003-2018年的面板数据,借助动态中介效应模型、面板门槛回归技术等研究环境规制、技术创新与产业结构升级的关系。结果显示:(1)十大城市群整体和分区域的样本检验表明, 正式环境规制和非正式环境规制均对产业结构升级具有正向影响,但二者的协同效应并不明显。(2)不同类型环境规制对城市群产业结构升级的影响均能通过技术创新体现出显著中介效应。(3)以技术创新为门槛变量,正式环境规制及正式与非正式环境规制的协同作用均与城市群产业结构升级呈U型关系,而非正式环境规制与城市群产业结构升级呈折线对应关系;受技术创新水平的影响,环境规制对城市群产业结构升级的作用存在区域和时间段异质性。当前应把握好正式环境规制的力度和方式,让非正式环境规制的实施做到循序渐进和差别化,以技术创新为核心力量,以环境治理和产业结构升级为重要抓手,使城市群的高质量发展过程能保持政策的协调性、有效性和可持续性。Abstract: This paper attempts to comprehensively investigate the relationship between environmental regulation, technological innovation and upgrading of industrial structure with the help of dynamic mediating effect model and panel threshold regression technology based on the panel data of China's top ten urban agglomerations from 2003 to 2018. The conclusions are as follows: the sample analysis of the whole and sub-regions oftop ten urban agglomerations show thatformal environmental regulation and informal environmental regulationare both conducive to the upgrading of industrial structure, but the synergetic effect is not significant; the influence of different types of environmental regulation on the upgrading of industrial structure all presents significant intermediary effects through technological innovation; technological innovation is used as the threshold variable, formal environmental regulation, synergetic effect of formalenvironmentalregulation and informal environmental regulation withupgrading of industrial structure have a "U" type relationship, while informal environmental regulation and upgrading of industrial structure has a broken line corresponding relationship. The effect of environmental regulation on the upgrading of industrial structure in urban agglomerations has regional and temporal heterogeneity affected by the level of technological innovation. Finally, the paper puts forward the corresponding policy suggestions from four perspectives: formal environmental regulation, informal environmental regulation, technological innovation and policy system.
表 1 中国十大城市群及其所包含城市
所属区域 城市群 包含城市 东部城市群 京津冀城市群 北京、天津、石家庄、唐山、秦皇岛、保定、张家口、承德、沧州、廊坊、邢台、邯郸、衡水 辽中南城市群 沈阳、大连、鞍山、抚顺、本溪、丹东、辽阳、营口、盘锦、铁岭、锦州、阜新、葫芦岛 长江三角洲城市群 上海、南京、无锡、常州、苏州、南通、扬州、镇江、泰州、杭州、宁波、嘉兴、湖州、绍兴、舟山、台州、盐城、金华 海峡西岸城市群 福州、厦门、漳州、泉州、莆田、宁德、龙岩、三明、南平、温州、丽水、衢州、汕头、梅州、衢州、揭阳 山东半岛城市群 济南、青岛、烟台、潍坊、淄博、东营、威海、日照 珠江三角洲城市群 广州、深圳、珠海、佛山、江门、肇庆、惠州、东莞、中山 中西部城市群 中原城市群 郑州、洛阳、开封、新乡、焦作、许昌、平顶山、漯河 长江中游城市群 武汉、黄石、鄂州、黄冈、孝感、咸宁、荆门、荆州、九江、岳阳、襄阳、宜昌、长沙、常德、益阳、株洲、湘潭、德阳、娄底、南昌、景德镇、鹰潭、上饶、新余、抚州、宜春、萍乡 成渝城市群 重庆、成都、自贡、泸州、德阳、绵阳、遂宁、内江、乐山、南充、眉山、宜宾、雅安、资阳 关中城市群 西安、咸阳、宝鸡、渭南、铜川、商洛 注:十大城市群包括东部六大城市群77个城市、中西部四大城市群55个城市,共计132个城市。 表 2 样本均值的描述性统计
变量 全部城市群 东部 中西部 2003-2009 2010-2018 structure 0.685 7 0.717 3 0.655 6 0.726 0 0.654 4 fer 0.528 6 0.557 4 0.488 4 0.163 3 0.812 8 zfer 0.000 3 0.000 3 0.000 2 0.000 2 0.000 3 fer×zfer 0.000 2 0.000 2 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 3 lnpatent 7.346 1 7.889 8 6.584 8 6.405 8 8.077 4 agdp 3.758 0 4.935 2 2.109 9 2.642 2 4.625 8 fixasset 0.521 8 0.387 2 0.710 3 0.420 0 0.601 0 fdi 0.033 1 0.037 6 0.026 9 0.036 1 0.030 8 表 3 环境规制对城市群产业结构升级的直接影响(全部城市群样本)
变量 (1) (2) (3) L.structure 0.9250*** (126.96) 0.9240*** (127.85) 0.9240*** (127.13) fer 0.0015***(4.16) 0.0027*(2.44) zfer 68.7500*** (6.80) 66.6000*** (6.39) fer×zfer -3.6540 (-1.49) lnpatent 0.0122***(19.62) 0.0086*** (10.04) 0.0083*** (9.51) agdp 0.0013*** (5.13) 0.0009*** (3.44) 0.0009** (3.20) fixasset -0.0088***(-5.37) -0.0084*** (-5.34) -0.0067*** (-4.02) fdi 0.0165 (0.66) 0.0192 (0.77) 0.0163 (0.66) _cons -0.0465*** (-5.47) -0.0370*** (-4.30) -0.0353** (-4.08) N 2 112 2 112 2 112 注:括号中为t值;*、**、***分别表示在10%、5%和1%水平下显著。表 4至表 6同。 表 4 环境规制对城市群产业结构升级的直接影响(分区域城市群样本)
变量 东部城市群 中西部城市群 (1) (2) (3) (1) (2) (3) L.structure 0.941 0***
(83.57)0.940 0***
(84.54)0.938 0***
(83.56)0.913 0***
(73.74)0.923 0***
(72.78)0.922 0***
(72.95)fer 0.0011**
(2.76)0.002 0*
(1.56)0.003 0**
(3.10)0.004 9*
(2.05)zfer 67.440 0***
(5.18)65.950 0***
(4.94)67.450 0***
(3.68)61.540 0**
(3.25)fer×zfer -2.682
(-0.95)-6.436 0
(-1.17)lnpatent 0.0129***
(16.34)0.008 8***
(7.54)0.008 6***
(7.34)0.008 5***
(6.13)0.007 6***
(5.28)0.006 8***
(4.60)agdp 0.001 2***
(4.33)0.000 8**
(2.92)0.000 8**
(2.73)0.003 5**
(2.94)0.002 7*
(2.13)0.002 2
(1.72)fixasset 0.0019
(0.57)0.003 7
(1.11)0.004 5
(1.35)-0.009 2***
(-4.17)-0.011 6***
(-6.55)-0.008 2***
(-3.68)fdi -0.008 7
(-0.27)-0.012 1
(-0.38)-0.011 5
(-0.36)0.022 7
(0.51)0.016 6
(0.37)0.015 5
(0.35)_cons -0.068 5***
(-6.02)-0.053 7***
(-4.56)-0.051 3***
(-1.11)-0.028 6
(-1.87)-0.024 8
(-1.61)N 1 232 1 232 1 232 880 880 880 表 5 正式环境规制、非正式环境规制与城市群产业结构升级的中介效应回归结果
变量 (4) structure (5) lnpatent (6) structure (7) structure (8) lnpatent (9) structure L.struture 1.605 0***
(25.58)1.529 0***
(22.08)1.549 0***
(21.82)1.517 0***
(21.28)fer 0.001 6*
(2.01)-0.094 1***
(-3.49)0.001 5*
(1.70)zfer 97.030 0***
(9.37)-2 049.3***
(-7.08)52.280 0***
(4.16)lnpatent 0.009 8***
(8.32)0.007 2***
(5.97)L.lnpatent 0.864 0***
(18.48)0.830 0***
(15.47)agdp -0.001 2
(-1.10)0.005 5
(0.63)-0.004 4*
(-2.07)-0.002 5*
(-2.15)0.056 0**
(3.25)-0.003 7*
(-2.51)fixasset 0.012 0***
(5.06)-0.101 0*
(-1.98)0.006 5**
(2.87)0.007 6***
(3.54)0.022 6
(0.54)0.004 5*
(2.02)fdi -0.673 0***
(-4.13)-1.751 0
(-3.25)-0.508 0***
(-3.66)-4.102 0
(-1.72)-0.378 0**
(-2.85)_cons -0.017 0*
(-2.55)0.422 0***
(5.70)-0.091 1***
(-7.68)-0.033 3***
(-5.36)0.722 0***
(4.93)-0.078 3***
(-6.76)N 2 112 2 112 2 112 2 112 2 112 2 112 表 6 正式与非正式环境规制的协同作用对城市群产业结构升级的中介效应回归结果
变量 (10) structure (11) lnpatent (12) structure L.structure 1.521 0***(22.84) 1.502 0***(22.28) fer 0.004 7*(2.03) -0.332 0*(-2.54) 0.005 9*(2.12) zfer 92.440 0***(8.22) -1 036.900 00***(-3.30) 33.810 0*(2.36) fer×zfer -10.830 0*(-2.19) 447.500 0*(1.85) -10.890 0*(-1.93) lnpatent 0.008 1***(6.26) L.lnpatent 0.8610***(17.88) agdp -0.004 7(-1.91) -0.012 5(-0.87) -0.003 2*(-2.32) fixasset 0.001 9(0.83) -0.242 0**(-3.23) 0.004 4(1.70) fdi -0.196 0***(-4.03) 1.207 0(1.44) -0.186 0***(-4.04) _cons -0.021 4***(-3.39) 0.028 3***(3.16) -0.035 3***(-5.08) N 2 112 2 112 2 112 表 7 十大城市群门槛效应检验结果
核心解释变量 门槛阶数 门槛值 F值 P值 10%的临界水平 5%的临界水平 1%的临界水平 fer 一阶门槛 7.567 9 63.46 0.004 0 28.961 6 35.222 8 50.304 9 zfer 一阶门槛 5.010 6 169.30 0.000 0 44.179 4 52.468 7 71.746 4 zfer 二阶门槛 5.638 4 40.64 0.036 0 30.052 8 36.991 9 45.926 8 fer×zfer 一阶门槛 7.567 9 79.16 0.010 0 27.685 0 35.322 8 68.119 3 表 8 面板门槛回归参数估计结果(以技术创新为门槛变量)
变量 核心解释变量fer 核心解释变量zfer 核心解释变量fer×zfer fer (2.23) 0.0027* zfer 201.900 0***
(-8.75)fer(lnpatent≦7.567 9) -0.019 9***
(-6.56)fer(lnpatent>7.567 9) 0.003 9**
(3.03)zfer(lnpatent≦5.010 6) -130.400 0***
(-5.64)zfer(5.010 6 < lnpatent≦5.638 4) 155.600 0***
(3.70)zfer(lnpatent>5.638 4) 640.200 0***
(9.51)fer×zfer(lnpatent≦7.567 9) -68.314 5***
(-8.15)fer×zfer(lnpatent>7.567 9) 5.405 9*
(1.99)agdp -0.003 4***
(-3.79)-0.003 8***
(-4.42)-0.007 5***
(-9.56)fixasset -0.132 0***
(-27.00)-0.103 0***
(-21.24)-0.135 0***
(-27.57)fdi -0.213 0**
(-2.76)-0.243 0**
(-3.27)-0.123 3
(-1.58)_cons 0.832 0***
(128.71)0.786 0***
(111.25)0.790 8***
(168.69)N 2 112 2 112 2 112 -
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