A New Perspective for Contract Interpretation: An Analytical Framework Based on Transaction Cost Theory
摘要: 合同总是不完备和不确定的,从事后来看法院有对合同条款进行解释和填补漏洞的必要。传统民法解释学在尊重合同当事人意思自治的基础上,以体系内部自洽为要旨,衍生出文义、体系、目的等一套解释方法,并以诚信原则为统领。从交易成本的概念入手,在明确合同解释的规范性目的的前提下,为法院的合同解释活动提供了一个由三个维度构建而成的理论分析框架:降低交易成本是合同解释的主要宗旨和首要考虑的维度;合理分配不确定的交易风险构成指导法院解释工作的功能性维度;法院干预和合同解释并不是无成本和无错的,制约干预界限和方式的管理费用是法院解释时必须加以考虑的限制性维度。Abstract: Contracts are bound for incompleteness so that ex post interpretation and gap-filling are the job judges have to take. Traditionally, civil law jurisprudence lays its foundation on the parties' autonomy and takes the systematic consistency as the starting point from which a whole canon of interpretation rules has been developed. Based on transaction cost theory, through synthesizing of previous research and theories, an analytical framework consisting of three dimensions has been put forward. This framework is as follows: reducing transaction costs is the purpose of contract interpretation and the first dimension; allocating risks efficiently is the second dimension guiding judges to interpret the contract; administrative cost is the third dimension which constitutes the limits for contract interpretation.
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