Can "Replacing Business Tax with Value-added Tax" Spawn Manufacturing Enterprises' Sense of Fulfillment from the Tax Reduction
摘要: 基于制造业企业减税获得感的视角考察营改增的减税效果。理论分析表明,营改增对制造业企业减税获得感的影响是外购营改增试点行业服务进项税额抵扣引致的减税效应和营改增后税收征管加强引致的增税效应综合作用的结果,减税效应和增税效应的分化导致制造业企业对营改增的减税获得感呈现明显的个体差异。基于对百家制造业企业的税收调查发现,制造业企业营改增的减税获得感总体并不乐观,实证结果显示,外购营改增试点行业服务状况和税收征管强度对制造业企业的减税获得感具有重要影响。在后营改增时代,税制改革和减税降费的顶层设计应统筹考虑营改增对制造业企业不同税种税负影响的联动性以及由税收征管强度提升引致的增税效应,加快传统制造业企业向服务型制造业企业转型,从而持续提升制造业企业源于营改增的减税获得感。Abstract: The theoretical analysis shows that the effect of "Replacing Business Tax with Value-added Tax" on manufacturing enterprises' sense of fulfillment obtained from the tax reduction is the comprehensive result of tax reduction effect caused by the deduction of input tax from services provided by pilot industries of "Replacing Business Tax with Value-added Tax", and the tax increase effect caused by intensifying the tax collection and management after "Replacing Business Tax with Value-added Tax", and the differentiation of tax reduction effect and tax increase effect leads to obvious individual differences in manufacturing enterprises' sense of fulfillment obtained from the tax reduction of "Replacing Business Tax with Value-added Tax". Based on the sample survey data of 107 manufacturing enterprises, the empirical results show that the status of purchasing service from pilot industries of "Replacing Business Tax with Value-added Tax" and the tax collection and management intensity are important factors affecting the manufacturing enterprises' sense of fulfillment obtained from the tax reduction of "Replacing Business Tax with Value-added Tax". In the post era of "Replacing Business Tax with Value-added Tax", more attention should be paid to the differences in the impact of different taxes on manufacturing enterprises' tax burden and the tax increase effect caused by the increase in the tax collection and management intensity while designing the plan of reforming tax system and reducing tax and fee, and it needs to accelerate the transformation of traditional to service-oriented manufacturing enterprises, and continuously improve manufacturing enterprises' sense of fulfillment obtained from tax reduction.
表 1 2017年107家制造业企业对税负的感知
家, % 制造业企业对税负的满意度 制造业企业对营改增前后税负变化的感知 选项 企业数 占比 选项 企业数 占比 非常满意 0 0.0 明显下降 1 0.9 比较满意 34 31.8 略有下降 25 23.4 一般 62 57.9 基本不变 76 71.0 不满意 10 9.4 略有上升 4 3.8 非常不满意 1 0.9 明显上升 1 0.9 合计 107 100 合计 107 100 表 2 2018年311家制造业企业对税负的感知
家, % 制造业企业对税负的满意度 制造业企业对营改增前后税负变化的感知 选项 企业数 占比 选项 企业数 占比 非常轻 0 0.0 明显下降 6 1.9 比较轻 7 2.3 略有下降 65 20.9 一般 138 44.4 基本不变 207 66.6 比较重 119 38.3 略有上升 29 9.3 非常重 47 15.1 明显上升 4 1.3 合计 311 100 合计 311 100 表 3 变量描述性统计
变量名称 变量含义 变量赋值 最小值 最大值 均值 标准差 y 税负变动情况 税负下降,y=1,否则为0 0 1 0.243 0.431 zg 税收征管强度变动情况 认同营改增后偷逃税款难度加大,zg=1,否则为0 0 1 0.796 0.405 fw 外购服务频率 经常外购,fw=3;偶尔外购,fw=2;从不外购,fw=1 1 3 2.374 0.591 dk 外购服务进项税额抵扣力度 全部抵扣,dk=4;大部分抵扣,dk=3;小部分抵扣,dk=2;不能抵扣,dk=1 1 4 3.000 0.687 age 企业年龄 按实际值赋值 2 31 6.432 15.140 gx 企业类型 高新技术企业,gx=1,否则为0 0 1 0.355 0.481 kh 下游客户中增值税一般纳税人比重 20%以下,kh=1;20%~40%,kh=2;40%~60%,kh=3;60%~80%,kh=4;80%~100%,kh=5 1 5 4.333 1.214 gys 上游供应商中增值税一般纳税人比重 20%以下,gys=1;20%~40%,gys=2;40%~60%,gys=3;60%~80%,gys=4;80%~100%,gys=5 1 5 4.566 0.817 yl 营改增后盈利能力变化 盈利能力提升,yl=1;盈利能力下降,yl=0 0 1 0.308 0.464 表 4 制造业企业减税获得感的模型估计结果
回归结果Ⅰ 回归结果Ⅱ 回归系数 边际效应 回归系数 边际效应 zg -0.830(0.542) -0.142(0.089) -0.985*(0.606) -0.145*(0.085) fw 0.913**(0.446) 0.156**(0.072) 1.340***(0.526) 0.197***(0.070) dk -0.246(0.390) -0.042(0.066) -0.524(0.437) -0.023(0.057) kh 0.217(0.276) 0.032(0.040) gys -0.158(0.390) -0.023(0.057) yl 1.355**(0.568) 0.199***(0.075) age -0.070(0.044) -0.010*(0.006) qiye 0.706(0.567) 0.104(0.081) 常数 -2.015(1.570) -2.054(2.358) LR chi2 7.14* 20.47*** 伪R2 0.063 0.180 观测值 103 103 102 102 说明:括号内数值为标准误;*、**、***分别表示在10%、5%、1%的水平下显著。下表同。 表 5 制造业企业增值税减税获得感的模型估计结果
回归结果Ⅰ 回归结果Ⅱ 回归系数 边际效应 回归系数 边际效应 zg -0.630(0.563) -0.136(0.119) -0.453(0.606) -0.089(0.118) fw 1.083**(0.394) 0.233***(0.072) 1.144***(0.420) 0.225***(0.070) dk 0.317(0.324) 0.068(0.069) 0.300(0.352) 0.059(0.069) kh -0.670**(0.306) -0.132**(0.056) gys 0.287(0.387) 0.057(0.076) yl 0.410(0.507) 0.081(0.099) age 0.006(0.039) 0.001(0.008) qiye 0.332(0.505) 0.066(0.099) 常数 -2.653(1.395) -1.582(2.171) LR chi2 12.09*** 21.03*** 伪R2 0.088 0.155 观测值 101 101 100 100 -
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